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Old 06-21-2012
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Default Legit Paypal limited [Need Advice]

Ok So I just made a paypal account like 1 month ago, and I had no problems with it. I made an earning that added up to a total of 545.45 USD. I was set to earn another 281.00 for a digital sale, of which I gave the customer his order and transferred the digital item to him/her. That account that I dealt with, however, was a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ and now my account is permanently limited. This transaction was through eBay. So after this happened, here's the list of events that happened:

1. My paypal account is permanently limited.
2. All my transactions were charged back. Refunds were given.
3. Sent me a email telling me I can have my earnings in 180 days.
4. Got a message on my eBay account telling me that I had to pay the service fee of 29.00 from a previous transaction, of which paypal charged back.

What I want to know is should I be concerned or worried? I know this is purely my fault for not being more careful. But should I be worried about my funds or any legal problem?

Is there a way for me to withdraw my earnings in 45 days or less than 180 days?

Will I be able to pay the service fee that eBay messaged me about.

Here are the emails that they sent me.

Sent May 18th

We routinely review account activity in the PayPal system. When we reviewed
your account, we noticed that your activity violates some of the agreements
you have with us.

Because of this, we’ve limited your accounts and can no longer offer our
services to you. You’ll still be able to log in to view your transaction
history, but you won’t be able to send or receive money.

What’s the problem?

We noticed one or more of the following problems:

1. You provided information that we believe was false, inaccurate, or
misleading; or

2. You sent or received money that was potentially related to fraudulent
activity; or

3. You have more than one account with a negative balance; or

4. You are in violation of the User Agreement, the Commercial Entity
Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy, or another agreement you have with

Our decision was based on terms outlined in these agreements.

What to do next

As allowed under the User Agreement, we’ll hold the money in your account
for 45 days. We’ll use your balance to reimburse buyers who file claims,
chargebacks, or any other reversals against you. Before we reimburse the
buyer, in most cases, you’ll have a chance to respond to the claim,
chargeback, or reversal.

We’ll send you an email after 45 days letting you know when you can
withdraw money from your accounts.

If you think that we permanently limited your accounts in error, you may
appeal this decision. Just go the Help Center and click Contact Us.

When you contact us, we’ll need some information to process your appeal.
Please have your drivers’ license, your Social Security or tax ID card, a
current utility bill, your business license, your articles of
incorporation, or other identifying documentation.


Sent May 17th

For the safety and security of the PayPal network, we often review accounts
for potential risks. After reviewing your account, we have decided to close
it because of security issues.

We are making every effort to minimize any disruption to your business.

If your PayPal account balance is zero, and you have no unresolved buyer
complaints or chargebacks, your account will remain limited.

Disbursement options

Option 1. If you owe refunds to any of your buyers, you can use the money
in your PayPal account to refund them.

To refund your buyers:
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page.
3. Click "Contact Customer Service."
4. Under "Choose a Topic," select "Sending/Receiving Money."
5. Under "Choose a Subtopic," select "Refund/Cancel a Payment."
6. Click "Continue" and follow the instructions to refund payments.

Option 2. Money in your PayPal account will be held for 180 days. After 180
days, we'll email you information on how to receive your funds.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause.



Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.


Which email should I believe because one told me that I can withdraw my funds in 180 days, while the other says that I can withdraw my funds in 45 days.

Any advice would be helpful.
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Old 06-23-2012
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I was set to earn another 281.00 for a digital sale, of which I gave the customer his order and transferred the digital item to him/her. That account that I dealt with, however, was a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ and now my account is permanently limited. This transaction was through eBay.
You not know that EB does NOT allow digital/download sales ???

The EB/PP email is pretty clear to me as to what the outcome will be.

PP never said you could withdraw your funds in 45 days ----- you misunderstood this. RE-READ it. PP said AFTER 45 days they will email you further details as to when you could withdraw your funds.

EB/PP will reimburse your buyers who file claims, chargebacks, or any other reversals against you (which you can challenge) & EB/PP will debit any money they are owed from your held funds. After 180 days you can reclaim these funds.

The PP A/C is indefinitely banned.
It's an ill wind that blows no good.
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Old 06-23-2012
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IF you got a service fee, it might mean that a buyer did a credit card CHARGEBACK - which pp will stiff you on the fee.

The rest of what SUaVE said is correct - digital can be problem.
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Old 06-25-2012
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Thanks for the help. I also have one small question that I was curious about. It has been around 37 days since my pp account has been banned. No money has been deducted from my account yet. Is it safe to say that I will be keeping the amount held on my account, or should I still expect them to take money out of my account in order to "repay" my clients, after 45 days?
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Old 06-25-2012
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Ok so I called the people back at pp again and the operator said that I can withdraw my funds from account. So I tried to withdraw $500 and the payment was reversed right after. I tried to withdraw in small increments my second time, so I withdrew $250.00 and then requested a check of $250.00. I believe both are pending atm.

I received two emails from them:

Hello XXXX,

Your PayPal funds are now eligible for withdrawal.

You may transfer the funds directly to your bank account via online bank transfer or you may request a check from PayPal. Please let us know how you would like to receive the funds by logging in to your account.
As a reminder, access to your account will remain limited until you perform the steps required to lift the limitation.

While access to your account is limited, you may:
* place logos into your auction listings or on your website
* update your account information
* withdraw funds from your account

You may not:
* send or request money
* receive payments
* add funds to your account
* close your account

Thank you for using PayPal.

The PayPal Team

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.

Then this one right after I tried to withdraw $500:

Dear XXXX,

We need your help resolving an issue with your account. To give us time to
work together on this, we've temporarily limited what you can do with your
account until the issue is resolved.

We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your PayPal
account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as
quickly as possible.

What's the problem?

We noticed some unusual activity on the credit card linked to your PayPal

Case ID Number: PP-001-846-130-511

How you can help

It's usually pretty easy to take care of things like this. Most of the
time, we just need a little more information about your account or latest

To help us with this and to find out what you can and can't do with your
account until the issue is resolved, log in to your account and go to the
Resolution Center.


I tried calling again, this time a different operator answered, and he said that I had to wait 180 days, although the operator before allowed my account to withdraw money.
Weird thing is that Credit card is a pre-paid credit card and it has no money on it, so I don't get how there can be an unusual activity on my credit card.

What I want to know is, Has this happened to anybody before, where one operator says its okay for me to withdraw while the other says that I have 180 days to wait?
Will my request for withdrawal be reversed again? Last time they reversed my request an hour after I made the attempt to withdraw 500, this time it did not happen, but I am assuming they may reverse the other to withdrawals. Anyone know what might happen?
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Old 06-25-2012
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Of course this has happened before: the left hand of paypal does not know what the right hand of paypal is doing.

Options I have are not polite so I'll refrain from further comment
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Old 06-25-2012
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Originally Posted by GreenBean™ View Post
Of course this has happened before: the left hand of paypal does not know what the right hand of paypal is doing.

Options I have are not polite so I'll refrain from further comment
It doesn't matter if they are not polite. To be honest, it is my mistake of even attempting to sell digital merchandise. Right now I need as many honest advice, opinions, etc that I can get. If it is okay with you, I am willing to take in any advice that people are willing to give me.
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Old 07-04-2012
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Your gone on that account pal, thats for sure.

Patience is going to be your best point of advice whilst hoping to get your money back.

I sold digital items back in the day when it was liery, but alot of stuff still got through on Ebay, before they really clamped down. I was able to keep the money since the items were actually delivered(emailed details) but my account was permanently shut down there after.

It may be another ball game now, where as they do chargebacks for those transactions to refund the buyers. At my time they would just ban your account as long as nothing further persisted i.e buyer compliants for the merchandise you sold
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