Closed account, and verified non-working stealth account
Hey there!
So I had a stealth account (I'm from Denmark btw.) but I was pretty new to this, so i did not know it had to be "verified" as I am from Europe, adding a bank account is not enough it needed credit card. So suddenly, they closed my account with $70 USD in it. Annoying? Yes pretty much!
So I made a new, thinking I had learnt from this mistake. This time making it seem I was from USA, made a bank account for it, and boom boom bang, the stealth account was verified!
Now, however, when i try to send the funds to my real account (buyer, not business) I get the message "We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now.", just as I did right before my other account was restricted... Oh boy, what can I do here?
As the information is not really valid, I can't even use it to pay from. I see that I may still refund reason transactions however, so it's yet to be restricted... Has anyone encountered this problem?