Paypal Closed My Account Permanently Need help setting up stealth account
Hi guys
I'm new to this forum. it has been 4 years since i traded on ebay. I had a large ebay debt which i have finally managed to pay off. I listed to many items and they didnt sell.
When i paid the debt ebay reinstated my account. But a few days later they restricted my selling account, because my Paypal account had been limited indefinitely (I was unaware it was limited)
I got limited because when i got suspended for not paying my ebay fees i could not access my buyers information and ended up with a couple of chargebacks on my account.
I have tried several times to sort this out with Ebay to no avail. Ebay refuses to let me sell until my paypal issues are resolved and Paypal is refusing to unlimit my account. It told me they have closed my account. Because the view me as High Risk.
Is it possible to create an eBay Stealth account in my own name.
EG Change my ISP, address, bank accounts, phone etc but keep my name and DOB
I have arranged for a friend who owns a rental property to let me use their address and i will get the mail directed to my real address.