PayPal got limited. Have no invoice/receipt for item - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 10-28-2014
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Default PayPal got limited. Have no invoice/receipt for item

Recently sold an item on eBay, and received payment through eBay on PayPal, so money will be pending and won't be available for me anyway. But PayPal has limited my account for no reason - first two steps was:
1) Provide ID (have uploaded 2 or 3 times before when was registring)
2) Provide tracking number (what's the point if I will provide it on eBay anyway, also can provide it on PayPal)

Wrote a letter to them with asking what's wrong, in 48 hours they haven't answered me but I've received another requirements from PayPal:
3) Provide invoices
4) Provide supplier's info

How can I provide them with these documents and info, if I don't have no invoices?
Maybe it is happening, because I've reached standard receiving limits (2500 EUR/ year), but I've lifted them previously without reaching them, just by providing all required docs and info.
And PayPal agents told me several times, that receiving limits are lifted, and my account has no limits, but system still found something wrong, I guess.
Used one IP all the time.
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Old 10-28-2014
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Default Re: PayPal got limited. Have no invoice/receipt for item

And PayPal agents told me several times, that receiving limits are lifted, and my account has no limits, but system still found something wrong, I guess.
But PayPal has limited my account for no reason
Paypal ALWAYS has a reason for limiting an account.

Lifting the initial limits on the account does not exempt the account from future limitation.

Your selling activities are deemed as a risk to Paypal. They are merely protecting themselves by asking you about what you are selling and where you get it from. They don't keep ID on file for more than 30 days (apparently) hence why they ask for it again.

Why are you unable to provide invoices / supplier info?
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Old 10-28-2014
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Default Re: PayPal got limited. Have no invoice/receipt for item

Oh, I guess You're right, there was few problems last month, I've received payment through eBay on PayPal (from 300 to 1500 EUR) and gave a refund in 2 days, twice. I guess this can be the suspicious, and the reason why account got limited.
I am reselling used stuff, and some of them doesn't have purchasing invoice. I can give to PayPal contacts of people I am buying from, this isn't a problem.
Both eB and PP account are 5 month old
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Old 10-28-2014
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Default Re: PayPal got limited. Have no invoice/receipt for item

This kind of limitation is a heavy one - even if you provided the documents, you might fail at restoration (I am just saying).

You should do what needs to be done for invoices...
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