5 paypal accounts linked and closed in a raw
i have read a lot of info thank to this forum.
Recently i'm running many accounts on 2 phones.
My setup is smatphone with 1 firefox browser + user agent spoofed + canvas spoofed for each paypal account.
I made 10 different firefox browsers like that one above with 10 paypal accounts.
For internet i use sim connection and switch in flight mode before enter in a different paypal account. This to be sure to change ip everytime i enter in an account.
Now paypal limited 1 account and at the same time closed other 4 accounts that were making transactions with the 1st one.
What do you think is the problem in my setup? How paypal linked them other than with transactions?
(i'm eu based)
Thanks in advance for the suggestions, i'm trying to figure out which is the problem