The What If Thread
This thread is so I can get all this hypothetical stuff out of my head and who knows maybe get a few answers along the way. Ever have a question about "what if" on Paypal and were afraid to ask? Tired of being shot down by the "you think too much" crowd? Consider this thread your safe haven to let your curiosity go and ask all your questions that are beyond the norm. :D
So let's see...what to post for the inaugural "what if"....
Got it
What if... you remove the address that shows "confirmed" by credit card on your paypal profile as an alternate shipping address? Will the credit card be removed as well, or at the least will your limits come back? I know it's a lesser of two evils thing here, but I just gotta know...what if!
Has anyone tried this and what was the result?
I hope that others will join in and that this doesn't just become a bunch of my questions. But if it be it! You've been warned.
To keep this thread from becoming too confusing, please reference the particular "what if" by quoting or mentioning the poster in your reply.
Thanks |