PayPal Ques, Simon GiftAccount - Newbie - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 01-17-2010
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Default PayPal Ques, Simon GiftAccount - Newbie

Hello all .
I just signed up (yay) after reading posts on this site for about 3days now. Anyway, I have a question about a PayPal account I've had for a bit now. I created it in Sept. '09 I think and didn't do anything with it. It's only been since the 2nd week of January that I actually thought of using it again. I don't sell on Ebay, never had an account. My account is unverified (no cc or dc or bank account added) and all the info is real (it's all mine).

What should I be looking out for, I'm expecting a couple transactions a day (being sent money and then spending it once I get it) ? Would PayPal become weary of the new amount of activity on my account ? I don't want to get limited.

I ordered a Simon Gift Account on Sat. However, I still haven't gotten it, and they double charged the credit card. Should I be worried ? I wanted it as quickly as possible. As well, what does the Simon Gift Account actually do ? I read that it verified PP acnts. But seems like the term "verified" is used a little loosely.

and how exactly can I be 'safe' ? Avoid limitations, and the like.

To Remind You:
- I'm a newbie.
- This is my first time using PayPal.
- I do not like giving my SSN out.
- The info on my PP is entirely real.
- My PP is unverified.
- MY PP balance is $0.00 .
- My PP has a withdrawl limit of $500 a month.
- I ordered my SG. Account with $40 to be the balance.
- I ordered my S.G.A. on Saturday (1/16/10).
- It has been 24hours since I ordered it.
- A confirmation email has NOT been sent. (I called as well).

I'm really sorry if I'm asking something twice. I tried to read up to answer my questions. Sorry that it was so long ;X. I wnated to be thorough and clear.

Thank You Very Much ~

Last edited by GooMeeLee; 01-17-2010 at 11:56 PM. Reason: added reason, extra clarification, mistake
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Old 01-20-2010
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Were you able to use the card on paypal to verify? I tried my card and it would not let me. It attached the card but wouldnt let it be used to verify. I am looking at what to do now on this issue.
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Old 01-21-2010
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their are numerous pre paid debit cards you can apply for and get 5-8 days, at no cost. they will get your pp verified after you verify the deposit they make into your account. it will also allow you to make withdrawals for a short period of time. you can also open up various accounts with boa which is very easy and quick to do with little questions asked. do alot of reading through the forums about various topics and questions you have chances are the answer to your questions are out there in various threads. a large majority of threads and questions have been made over and over. your answers are out there. PM me the goals you have and direction you want to go with this account, ill get you going the right way.
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