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Old 02-22-2010
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Default PayPal Limited, then lifted and CLOSED 5 minutes later

I want to share my story. I attempted a transfer of funds from PayPal to my bank 3 days ago. PayPal limited my account and requested for invoices etc.

Dear J********

Your account access limitation cannot be lifted at this time. We need more
information about your account before we can proceed with the appeal
process. Please complete the steps below so that we may review your
account further:

An invoice is an original bill of sale referencing where you purchased or
acquired the item(s) you are selling along with the name and telephone
number of your supplier.

The invoices we received were not valid. We need to know where you are
purchasing the items that you are selling. Please fax in this information
to our office as soon as possible for further review.


PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company

Today I called PP customer service. I informed the guy I purchased my items on craigslist;therefore I have no invoices to provide. After answering a few questions he lifted the limitation and I received this email.


Our review is complete and we have restored your account.

We appreciate your patience and thank you for your help in making PayPal
the safest and most trusted online payment solution.



I immediately logged in and attempted another transfer. (the original transfer was reversed)

After I did this, two minutes later I received this email.

Dear J*************

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding
your account.

We are very sorry, but in accordance with the PayPal User Agreement, we are
no longer able to have you as a customer.

We have had to close your account for the following reason:

We have observed activity in this account that is unusual or potentially
high risk.

We apologize for any inconvenience this account closure may cause. You may
still log in to PayPal to view your transactions history and personal
information for a limited time.

The funds in your account will be held for 180 days, due to the risk of
outstanding chargebacks and complaints. After 180 days, any remaining funds
will be available to you for withdrawal.

For your protection, we have limited access to your account until
additional security measures can be completed. We apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause.

To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used
to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the
Resolution Center. If, after reviewing your account information, you seek
further clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal
by visiting the Help Center and clicking "Contact Us".

We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand
that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your
account. We apologize for any inconvenience.


PayPal Account Review Department

I then called PP customer service to explain that I just had the account limitation lifted and 5 minutes later it's limited (closed) after an attempted transfer of funds. He simply said that it was a "manual review." I offered to submit whatever invoices I had as well as screen shots of my orders (EMS China delivery/invoice confirmations etc.) He said that would be a good idea and to follow up within 24-48 hours.

Is there anyone who ever had a PP account reinstated after being closed from submitting documents? I'm crossing my fingers as there is a large sum of money sitting there.
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Old 02-22-2010
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Sadly if you give them screen shots of your orders most likely that is not going to be in your favor. What were you selling? How much were you selling? Is this a real or stealth account?
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Old 02-22-2010
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Well the guy who first lifted the account recommended screen shots of Craigslist ads if I purchase the same item multiple times.

The items were mixed.

I was selling less than 20 a week on this account.

This was my real account. PP + EBay (now closed)

I faxed over screenies (dhgate.orders) and shipping invoices (EMS).

I was using PP for printing USPS shipping labels, so the items in discussion showed a confirmation of shipment and delivery.

Last edited by TRIALnERROR; 02-22-2010 at 10:16 PM.
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Old 02-22-2010
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pffft. Have you the name of the 1st agent at all? I'd be inclined to try to contact him. When you spoke to paypal, did you speak to a supervisor or a peon? Sometimes it's who you speak to that counts.

Catch22 at the moment. Too many phone calls & they might get annoyed
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Old 02-22-2010
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No name of the first agent. Some young guy it sounded like. Would it be possible/do any good to get in contact with that first agent at this point?

Funny little tidbit though, after the second limitation I called in, gave my name and some guy put me on hold. I was then transferred (i think) to a law firm's cell phone voicemail. (strange right?) I proceeded to hang up and called again...weird.

FYI: I'm very nice and pleasant when I deal with PP customer service. What's too many calls = get annoyed?
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Old 02-24-2010
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So I continue to receive emails stating that more and more funds are released within my "closed" PayPal Account. Does this give me hope? I faxed in documents Monday, called a PP Rep today and she asked me to follow up tomorrow regarding the review of these documents. Fingers crossed?...or are these PP Reps wasting my time?
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Old 02-24-2010
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Those emails are just saying that the funds that were held for those transactions are now not being held anymore. It doesn't mean that you can actually withdraw the funds right now. Hopefully PP will resolve your account situation and restore full access to the account
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Old 02-28-2010
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im having the same problem right now.... im lost on whats going on
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Old 06-09-2010
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attempted another transfer.
This is what caused it. They restored it, but you were on thin ice. Attempting to transfer out raised the flag again.
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Old 06-09-2010
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Originally Posted by onlineseller View Post
This is what caused it. They restored it, but you were on thin ice. Attempting to transfer out raised the flag again.
Yes. Trying to use Paypal, for the reason you have Paypal, is apparently not alright with them.
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