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Old 03-11-2010
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Default Customer is tiring to scam me

Some person bought one of my items through my website thank god not ebay, because we all know how wins on ebay! This guy can not be any more obivious here is his exact email:
I  received in the mail today the SATA DVD RW. We have a little problem however…. As my receipt clearly states, I purchased a SATA Samsung Drive…. I however received a HP Drive that recognizes itself as an Optiarc drive.


If you could please explain this to me ASAP. This is in stark contrast to the description provided on your website that I would receive a “brand new Samsung drive” with a warranty. So far what I see is a used HP drive that thinks it is an Optiarc. This is not what I paid for. I ask that you send me what I paid for.


Your prompt response is requested or I will have to request a refund via PayPal dispute.




To me that sound like gimme another or I want a refund and I will keep my item so I get it for free !!! What he said is total bull**** because my item are not touched until shipped and it is from july 2009 which is the newest you can ever get on these puppies, I have no idea why he is saying Optiarc drive because it is a lie we test everything ! even if I am just saying IF is says Optiarc who gives a **** ! seriously ! As of him saying hp it is a samsung drive but those drivers all have a small ass hp sticker that can be removed ! I had over 30 very satisfied customers in the past with these exact same drives. What do you guys think? I removed my bank account from my paypal to avoid giving him a refund and only have 13 dollars in there. I dont want to say return the item and I will give you a refund beacuse he wont and he well pretend. If he goes to claims with paypal what will happen and what should I say to avoid loosing money.

Many many thanks in advance

I am freaking out even thought this is the third time some one tried to scam eventually they just drop it because it is a waste of time and the give up and leave me positive to get positive. I hate when I freak out I do this every time !
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Old 03-11-2010
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Just tell him to send it back and you will refund his money. Tell him to make sure to get a confirmation number as well to track the item a little bit at least. Simple as that. If he doesn't want to do that, then obviously he is scamming you.
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Old 03-11-2010
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Ok, thanks for your quick replay

Lets say he says ok I returned and turns out that he did not return and just basically tells paypal he. this has happen to me before and it turned out that ebay refunded him the money without a tracking number so i am tiring to avoid that if possible, I know 110% he is lying I know my product front and back and he might try to swap the parts of it with a broken item which has happen to me in two occasions. I just hate returns there is so many scammers.
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Old 03-12-2010
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Take a video of you opening everything. Make sure to show close up of everything when you are taking the video. So if anything goes do have some sort of proof rather than none at all.
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Old 03-12-2010
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paypal , will usually want proof he returned the item .. when you tab close the case it usually gives that option for you to tab you will refund after he returns it ...but credit card companys often will over-rule paypal that what you have to worry about.
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Old 03-12-2010
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. There is nothing you can do. The video idea and everything is worthless you will just waste your time doing it. Paypal does NOT care about the seller anymore. If he wants a refund, they will take the money out of your account and require him to send it back. Once he mails the garbage one back to you the confirmation number says delivered they will give him his money back. You can try to appeal it but it won't matter. This is a risk that comes with selling, thats why I just withdraw the money all the time and if they want a refund I say stiff you and stiff paypal with the cost. It is a mess of a system now that I want no part of. I know I am being legit, but I am not going to get scammed anymore by anyone I have lost hundreds to scammers and THOUSANDS to paypal.
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Old 03-13-2010
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I won the case automatically since I shipped it with payapl and paypal only covers protects the buyer of there item arriving not the quality of goods on a transaction off ebay. Thank god for me. I later got a email from the guy saying I am the wrong guy to mess with ! I am make so much money I can sue your pants off ! I was like give me a break and I said ahahaha sue for ........ Ya that's right. Man I am glad I won just to stick in his face. I always thought sellers never win ! Leasson learned always ship with paypal not with endica or stamps beacuse they can open a dispute with ebay and open one with paypal as never received.
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Old 03-13-2010
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vigilantex69, Apparently you are wrong....So don't be an ass
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