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Old 01-02-2008
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Default I'm in a deep ****

Hey guys! To make a long story short, I got suspended from eBay (paypal too) using my legit info so I opened a new account on both eBay and paypal using a neighbor adresse as stated in Apskin guide but now they have contact me (paypal) to verify my adresse and to send supplier infos and that bull**** so I send them the docs, I verified a credit card (gift card), added a bank account... the big problem came with the phone verification (I used a virtual phone number), they said that my phone doesn't match the phone in the white pages so they send a letter to the adresse I used to register but since it's not my adresse I will never receive this letter

So what do you guys would do in that situation, it's kind of tricky to go at the adresse stated and say that they will receive a letter for me They will probably think I'm stealing their identity! What if they call the cops? I don't think it's legal to use random adresse as we do...
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Old 01-02-2008
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uh ... you should have used an address where you have access to mail. Did you use your neighbor's name too? If so, it doesn't look good - if I was the neighbor, I would be peeved. Did you use any of your personal information in the account so when your neighbor gets the letter, they can trace it back to you? If not, I would let it go and start fresh. Try calling the homeless shelter in your area and tell them that you are in a transitional phase of your life and that you need an address that you can put on employment applications and get mail at - most of them have a process where you can get mail for free. Try that so that you have access to the mail. Before you do it, send yourself a letter to see if they let you get your mail without an ID first - most of them do, as long as it is not "financial mail" ... good luck!
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Old 01-03-2008
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No I didn't used my neighbor's name, I used mine so I can try to make it look like a mailling error. I'll call him through a phone booth so if he get scare and call the cops they won't have my info... I though that using a random adresse would be a good thing since loads of people here seem to do that but I'll try the homeless shelter thing, seem more secure. Thanx for the info spunk!
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Old 01-03-2008
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Can you do a mail transfer to get that Paypal piece of mail? It has a 4 digit pin on it, you will need...
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Old 01-03-2008
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Doing a change of address where you were never legally supposed to get mail rings a risk of mail fraud and makes me a little nervous. If you used your name, than just go to your neighbors house and let them know that you you have a piece of mail that had a typo on it and just ask nicely if they could keep a lookout for it and that you made them fix the address so that it won't happen again. I don't think that is a big deal (just make sure that they don't get anymore mail). I think if my neighbor asked me, I would be fine with it. The postman may even just bring it to you if he is familiar with who lives in the neighborhood ... I would not worry - good thing you used your name! That would have sucked otherwise!
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Old 01-03-2008
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Dude, you're going to jail for life and Bubba is going to have great fun!

Just kidding, the reality is nothing is going to happen. I seriously doubt the neighbor calls the cops. Just tell them you accidentally put the wrong house number and if they can give you the letter. That's it.
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Old 01-03-2008
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Man, nothing is going to happen. Most likely he puts return to sender, not at this address or throws it out. As it is not addressed to him he probably would not even open it. Even if he does, the cops would laugh at him if he called. What crime is he reporting? Someone sent mail to my address? There is no identity theft, because you used your name.
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Old 01-03-2008
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so thats why you need lots of accounts eh.. in case they do this and you have a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address signed up with?
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