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eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums (https://www.aspkin.com/forums/)
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-   -   Violated By Bills Cobb And Meg 'abyte Me' Whitman (https://www.aspkin.com/forums/paypal-talk/2108-violated-bills-cobb-meg-abyte-me-whitman.html)

poopdeck 01-05-2008 08:12 AM

Violated By Bills Cobb And Meg 'abyte Me' Whitman
Built A Successful Business On Ebay For Many Years And In One Fell Swoop All Gone. In One Word Devastating. Violated Because Something Was Taken Away From You--your Living And Everything And Everyone Attached To It!

It All Seems So Very Heartless--and It Is. Your House, Your Car, Your Kids, Your Relationship Just Deoesn't Matter To Ebay--they Only Care About Themselves Not Who They Hurt. And Why? Because In Their Failed Business Model Someone Has To Pay--you Not Them. They Say We Have To Keep An Equal Playing Field For All --which Is Just A Bunch Of Lies To Cover For Their Own Ass With Their Pants Down.
And Don't Let Them Make You Think You Are Dirty! They Are The Ones Who Are Dirty For What They Did To You! They Failed You!

Yes Ebay And Paypal Have Proven Themselves Evil Entities Because The Bottom Line Is What Only Matters To Them Not You As A Person. We Are The Victims Of The Ebay And Paypal Shortcomings, Not The Other Way Around.

Yes You Have Been Violated By Ebay With Impunity--even Our Own System Of Laws Guarantees Otherwise And Offers Restitution And Probation. But Ebay Has Put Theirselves Above The Law And The Justice Is Guarantees You And I As Citizens--this Is Why People On This Site Liken Them To Taliban And Bin Laden--they Are Heartless Entities Who Devastate And Ruin Peoples Way Of Life! Their Deeds Are Therefore Also Terroristic In Nature--what Do I Do Now Where Do I Go From Here, All Seems Lost--sound Familiar?

You Were Never Given Any Consideration As A Human Being And American Citizen To Be Heard. It Didnt Matter If You Were A Powerseller With Great Feedback All Your Hard Work Fallen By The Wayside And They Expect You To Be Violated By Meg 'abyte Me' Whitman And Bills Cobb Sitting Down? No No No!

So It Is Now Up To You The Victim To Do Everything In Your Power To Continue On Your Path To Financial Freedom. And God Willing We Will All Succeed!

Good Luck And God Bless You In This New Year!

super stealth 01-05-2008 09:24 AM

That was inspiring!!! I'm gonna hit em hard today!! Who's with me!!!

imjustme 01-05-2008 11:04 AM

These days, PayPal loses about $300 to $500 on every account they close on me. Why? I refund the customers that received the merchandise until my balance is nearly $0 and tell the ones that I didn't ship to yet to dispute their charges, resulting on PayPal having to cover all their fees out of their own pockets. Everyone should do this. If you can't have the money, they shouldn't have it either. If everyone starts doing this, they will think twice about limiting an account.

Jonas 01-06-2008 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by imjustme (Post 19316)
These days, PayPal loses about $300 to $500 on every account they close on me. Why? I refund the customers that received the merchandise until my balance is nearly $0 and tell the ones that I didn't ship to yet to dispute their charges, resulting on PayPal having to cover all their fees out of their own pockets. Everyone should do this. If you can't have the money, they shouldn't have it either. If everyone starts doing this, they will think twice about limiting an account.

Are you sure paypal is refunding the customers and not just telling them "sorry we can't get you the money because the seller doesn't have it" ????


Originally Posted by poopdeck (Post 19302)
this Is Why People On This Site Liken Them To Taliban And Bin Laden

Have you heard any of the conspiracy theories about how George W. Bush's administration was the ones secretly behind the 9/11 attacks. I mean most obviously two planes into the tower would at most damage the towers, they wouldn't just make the collapse straight down. Even if a tower was hit enough to knock it out, it would fall sideways. But no, only a controlled demolition can make the towers fall straight down instantly first one and then a minute later the second one.

But I am only scratching the surface here. Google and you will find lots of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

ebayhateluv 01-06-2008 01:09 AM

got an offer today to buy 3 diff accts-- all owe fees-- 1 acct owes $22,000, another $19,000, another $13,000 they are only 3 months old...I passed.

koalawash 01-06-2008 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jonas (Post 19378)
Have you heard any of the conspiracy theories about how George W. Bush's administration was the ones secretly behind the 9/11 attacks. I mean most obviously two planes into the tower would at most damage the towers, they wouldn't just make the collapse straight down. Even if a tower was hit enough to knock it out, it would fall sideways. But no, only a controlled demolition can make the towers fall straight down instantly first one and then a minute later the second one.

But I am only scratching the surface here. Google and you will find lots of 9/11 conspiracy theories.


imjustme 01-06-2008 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by ebayhateluv (Post 19389)
got an offer today to buy 3 diff accts-- all owe fees-- 1 acct owes $22,000, another $19,000, another $13,000 they are only 3 months old...I passed.

How the hell didn't they get suspended already.

koalawash 01-06-2008 01:35 AM

I think eBay might know deep down that suspending an account is effectively the same as kissing goodbye to the remaining fees owed on that account. Most of the accounts they shut down would be mere pocket change so they don't mind the loss that much. But with the 3 accounts mentioned above, I'm almost thinking eBay is hanging on to some shred of hope that MAYBE the owner will pay those hefty fees eventually? :D

poopdeck 01-06-2008 08:18 AM

Yes EXACTLY! By doing their evils against their fellow man--you and I, Ebay and Paypal are paying for it ten times over and over again! Their love for the almighty dollar is the root to all their evil deeds against you and I which is constantly fueling the fire to their ultimate consumption.

Don't think for one minute that they will not be held accountable for their dirty deeds and heartless neglect of their fellow man--you-- who works long hours freezing and sweating your ass off trying to make an honest days living to put food on the table!

They are hypocrates who strain at shipping charges while at the same time swallowing up and ruining peoples lives! This is evil corporate america-- execs like whitman and cobb who sit on their fat ass live in their 6 car garage secure gated mansions --swimming pool,spa, chouffer, butler/ maid --the whole nine yards appearing like successful business people who are nothing more than lovers of selves who have no regard for their fellow man as they commit their horrendous crimes against humantiy--you and I. Their board room agenda involves extortion and excess, coercion and bribery, blackmail and deceit, filth and lucre leading to ruining peoples lives!

It would have been much better for them to work with us human beings than against us--treating us like infidels! The biggest lie in their business model is that they sucker unsuspecting entreprenuers with their apple of deciet flattering you by saying 'people are basically good'--and then after 5-6 years lay a blunt hatchet in your good skull!

Should I not hold back and tell you how I really feel about them?

Jonas 01-06-2008 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by poopdeck (Post 19429)
Yes EXACTLY! By doing their evils against their fellow man--you and I, Ebay and Paypal are paying for it ten times over and over again! Their love for the almighty dollar is the root to all their evil deeds against you and I which is constantly fueling the fire to their ultimate consumption.

Don't think for one minute that they will not be held accountable for their dirty deeds and heartless neglect of their fellow man--you-- who works long hours freezing and sweating your ass off trying to make an honest days living to put food on the table!

They are hypocrates who strain at shipping charges while at the same time swallowing up and ruining peoples lives! This is evil corporate america-- execs like whitman and cobb who sit on their fat ass live in their 6 car garage secure gated mansions --swimming pool,spa, chouffer, butler/ maid --the whole nine yards appearing like successful business people who are nothing more than lovers of selves who have no regard for their fellow man as they commit their horrendous crimes against humantiy--you and I. Their board room agenda involves extortion and excess, coercion and bribery, blackmail and deceit, filth and lucre leading to ruining peoples lives!

It would have been much better for them to work with us human beings than against us--treating us like infidels! The biggest lie in their business model is that they sucker unsuspecting entreprenuers with their apple of deciet flattering you by saying 'people are basically good'--and then after 5-6 years lay a blunt hatchet in your good skull!

Should I not hold back and tell you how I really feel about them?

I've often found their lying and saying paypal is safer than everything else when it's pretty unsafe and then forcing people to use it is one of the worst things.

topazcorp 01-06-2008 10:14 PM

We are eBay's terrorists:D Who's volunteering to drive a plane in eBay's building in San Jose? I'm kidding guys but when you look at it our tactics are similar to the one terrorist use:eek:

Dutch 01-06-2008 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jonas (Post 19378)
Have you heard any of the conspiracy theories about how George W. Bush's administration was the ones secretly behind the 9/11 attacks. I mean most obviously two planes into the tower would at most damage the towers, they wouldn't just make the collapse straight down. Even if a tower was hit enough to knock it out, it would fall sideways. But no, only a controlled demolition can make the towers fall straight down instantly first one and then a minute later the second one.

But I am only scratching the surface here. Google and you will find lots of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

You are not authorized to speak about the 9/11 Truth Committee's alleged "facts" that the World Trade Towers were taken down by a controlled demolition unless you yourself are a New Yorker who was there to physically witness the attacks. It is a known fact many members of the 9/11 Truth Cult attract quite a number of kooks who relish in denying the Holocaust happened.
Plus, since you weren't there you can never know the truth, even if a survivor of 9/11 came up to you and told you to your face what really happened. It was no demolition. The 9/11 Truth committee are mostly made up of people on S.S.I., and medication for manic depression and schizophrenia: societal misfits many with criminal histories with aspirations of becoming the trolls of history. :D

Dutch 01-06-2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by poopdeck (Post 19429)
Yes EXACTLY! By doing their evils against their fellow man--you and I, Ebay and Paypal are paying for it ten times over and over again! Their love for the almighty dollar is the root to all their evil deeds against you and I which is constantly fueling the fire to their ultimate consumption.

Don't think for one minute that they will not be held accountable for their dirty deeds and heartless neglect of their fellow man--you-- who works long hours freezing and sweating your ass off trying to make an honest days living to put food on the table!

They are hypocrates who strain at shipping charges while at the same time swallowing up and ruining peoples lives! This is evil corporate america-- execs like whitman and cobb who sit on their fat ass live in their 6 car garage secure gated mansions --swimming pool,spa, chouffer, butler/ maid --the whole nine yards appearing like successful business people who are nothing more than lovers of selves who have no regard for their fellow man as they commit their horrendous crimes against humantiy--you and I. Their board room agenda involves extortion and excess, coercion and bribery, blackmail and deceit, filth and lucre leading to ruining peoples lives!

It would have been much better for them to work with us human beings than against us--treating us like infidels! The biggest lie in their business model is that they sucker unsuspecting entreprenuers with their apple of deciet flattering you by saying 'people are basically good'--and then after 5-6 years lay a blunt hatchet in your good skull!

Should I not hold back and tell you how I really feel about them?

What happens is the "real you" got banned/suspended/excommunicated.

Now you have to create an alter ego to continue selling. But that is not a bad thing. Just a little tricky.

The best businesses always have a "buffer" at the top.
Suspended Members need to create "buffers" to their real identity.

What we all realized to our horror is, we should never have given our real identities, addresses, bank info to any of these online companies in the first place. But there was no way we could have known until it was too late.

In fact, it is wise to create an alias account. :mad:

topazcorp 01-06-2008 11:42 PM

Yeah we shouldn't have put our real identity on eBay at all! At least when you move you can restarted to sell with your real identity if you have previously been suspended!

Chris Hanson 01-07-2008 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Jonas (Post 19378)
Are you sure paypal is refunding the customers and not just telling them "sorry we can't get you the money because the seller doesn't have it" ????

Have you heard any of the conspiracy theories about how George W. Bush's administration was the ones secretly behind the 9/11 attacks. I mean most obviously two planes into the tower would at most damage the towers, they wouldn't just make the collapse straight down. Even if a tower was hit enough to knock it out, it would fall sideways. But no, only a controlled demolition can make the towers fall straight down instantly first one and then a minute later the second one.

But I am only scratching the surface here. Google and you will find lots of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

You must be a Republican??... Everybody knows Bush was behind the attacks. Mo question about that. i knew that from day 1, when I saw his face after secret service today him the towers was hit. And we still dont have Bin laden?? we all know Bush is actually cool with the Ladens and his family. thats why he flew them out of the US the same day of the attack. The Landan plane was the only plane allowed to fly,,

Chris Hanson 01-07-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by ebayhateluv (Post 19389)
got an offer today to buy 3 diff accts-- all owe fees-- 1 acct owes $22,000, another $19,000, another $13,000 they are only 3 months old...I passed.

If you have that type of money to even think about buying the accounts for $54,000, why are u even selling and stressing over Ebay??

koalawash 01-07-2008 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Hanson (Post 19481)
You must be a Republican??... Everybody knows Bush was behind the attacks. Mo question about that. i knew that from day 1, when I saw his face after secret service today him the towers was hit. And we still dont have Bin laden?? we all know Bush is actually cool with the Ladens and his family. thats why he flew them out of the US the same day of the attack. The Landan plane was the only plane allowed to fly,,

WOW... -_-*

pauluss 01-07-2008 05:31 AM


Core Evidence
The WTC buildings collapsed at free the fall speed of gravity, 8.4 seconds (10 floors per second). To collapse at "Free fall" speed means that the falling building pieces had to crush concrete, shear steel bolts, and brake welds and fall just as fast as a rock dropped off the side of the building that hit nothing but air. Impossible without explosives. Each floor hit would have significantly slowed the fall!

The South Tower (Building #2) fell after 1 hour; the North Tower (Building #1) fell after 2 hours.The Meridian Plaza burned fiercely for 19 hours and never collapsed. The Madrid fire in 2005 burnt for 24 hours looking like a torch and never collapsed.

Yet Scientific American, October 2001 said "The WTC was probably one of the more resistant tall buildings..they just don't build them as tough as the World Trade Center"s

"The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time."- Federal Emergency Management Agency. Chapter 5, Page 31, May 2002

The investigation of the WTC "is a half-baked farce." - Fire Engineering Magazine. Jan 2002

All of the important evidence from the disaster was destroyed, illegally, and before the investigation was even concluded, some before it began! - Fire Engineering

$600,000 was spent investigating the WTC collapses vs. $40 million on Clinton's sex life.The entire 9/11 Commission only spent $15 million while all expenditures on Clinton's indiscretion exceed $65 million.

Building 7 at the WTC, 47 floors, steel, and constructed differently from the twin towers, fell at 5:30 but it was never hit by an airplane, had no significant fire! The fires were not long enough (only 1-2 hours) to harm the steel. Yet days later, there were "hot spots" in the building that still exceeded the maximum temperature possible from jet fuel - but not from explosives.

The gusting wind on the towers had at times been greater than the impact of the airliners. Neither tower was bent nor did they creak or groan at any time.

The concrete was encased in a steel framed pan yet clouds of finely pulverized concrete and steel beams came shooting out of the buildings for up to three times the width of the building at hundreds of miles per hour - only possible with explosives.

If the force of the falling building is strong enough to pulverize concrete then the bolts and rivets would have to hold beyond that force - and then give way. Yet the force to pulverize concrete into fine powder is greater than the force that sheers or stretches steel bolts and rivets. It cannot be both ways.

Both impacts and fires in the Twin Towers did not hit the center of the buildings. That means that only two sides of the building were harmed at most and two sides were structurally sound. Building 7 had no impact or significant fires. Yet all three collapses are perfectly straight down. Only the tops of the Towers should have fallen over, not the entire building all straight down, just like a controlled demolition.

"I'm still to this day amazed that he [alleged pilot on Flight 77] could have flown into the Pentagon," according to the hijackers pilot instructor. "He could not fly at all." Yet, "The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it's clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed."

NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES, Public Hearing, Friday, May 23, 2003 : Mr. Mineta: "There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane [Flight 77] is 50 miles out...30 miles... 10 miles out" - Cheney knew this plane was coming at Washington and the Pentagon and yet no planes had been scrambled to protect Washington after over 1 hour since the WTC was attacked. Even at 400 miles per hour, it takes over 7 minutes to travel 50 miles, more since the plane was at altitude. Cheney knew the plane was coming when it was even farther away since Mr. Mineta had not been present when Flight 77 was first reported to Mr. Cheney. They had known this flight was missing for over an hour after the first plane crashed into the North Tower. There should have been an umbrella of F-16 and other aircraft over Washington, DC. An F-16 fighter can travel 50 miles and destroy a target in less than 2 minutes. Moreover, pictures released by the Pentagon show anti-aircraft missiles firing at an aircraft much smaller than a 757. Everything failed! Incompetence, if not guilt.

Read how the alleged hijackers used top secret information to find holes in our Radar Defenses.

NORAD successfully intercepted off course and suspected hijackings 100% of 67 times during the year prior to 9/11 (AP, 8/13/02), each time in under 20 minutes. An Air Force F-15 "scrambles" to 29,000 feet in 2.5 minutes, normally intercepting in 15 minutes. Yet on 9/11 they were four failures for over an hour each -- three after they knew the planes were high-jacked and intended mass murder. Please read, "Crossing the Rubicon", by Michael Ruppert, which indicts Richard Cheney for his involvement in the war games that diverted our interceptors from stopping the high-jacked airplanes. Contrast this to Condoleezza Rice's statement from her May 16, 2002 press briefing, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile". (See Fox TV broadcast plot 6 months earlier) "Condoleezza Rice was the top National Security official with President Bush at the July 2001 G-8 summit in on Genoa. This was where U.S. officials were warned that Islamic terrorists might attempt to crash an airliner into the summit, which prompted officials to close the airspace over Genoa and station anti-aircraft guns at the city's airport".

"On August 6, 2001, just over a month before 9/11 and during the "summer of threat", President Bush received a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) at his Crawford, Texas ranch, entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US The August 6th memo focused entirely on the possibility of terrorist attacks inside the US. In testimony before the 9/11 Commission, Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor to President Bush, stated to the 9/11 Commission that she and President Bush considered the August 6th PDB as just an historical document and commented that this was not considered a domestic warning. At this 9/11 hearing, Condoleezza Rice had taken an oath to tell the truth to the Commissioners. [Perjury!] "Additionally, according to the 9/11 Commission report, chief White House expert on terrorism, Richard Clarke, sent Rice an urgent memo just days after she took office stressing the severity of the terrorist threat. She did not respond. Although the national security leadership met formally nearly 100 times in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks . . . terrorism was the topic during only two of those sessions. The first meeting that dealt with al Qaeda did not occur until 9/4/01." Read the 9/11 widows letter on "Kindasleazy" Rice.

Rice lied that they did not anticipate hijackers using airplanes as weapons yet FEMA's cover image depicts just such an attack!

I am also appalled by the media. A Zogby Poll I commissioned reported that 66% of New Yorkers want the 9/11 investigation re-opened and 49% believe government VIP's knew ahead of time and did nothing to stop it. The New York Times thought it NOT "news fit to print". I had to pay for an advertisement to get it in the New York Times!

.............. hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah - it was terrorists, for sure

poopdeck 01-07-2008 08:23 AM

Its Interesting Where This Discussion Led But Regarding Controlled Demolitions All You Would Need To Do To Verify This Theory Is To Review The Video Clips Of The Towers Falling Down--now Of Course There Were Firemen In Those Towers Who Lost Their Lives And I Dont Know What They Are Saying About It?
Anyway Controlled Demos Plant Explosives At The Main Supports Which Were Located Probably For The Twin Towers Below The Street Level.
This Would Be Some Explosion In The Order Of Many Megatons--probably A Small Atomic Bomb To Bring Them Down Which You Could Not Hide.
But If The Videos Show The Towers Pancaking From Top To Bottom Which I Think They Do Then It Was Not A Controlled Detonation From Below----for If From The Ground Level Then The Pancaking Would Start At Ground Zero.
I Think What You Had Was An Explosion By The Planes That Wasnt Great Enough To Do It But Because The Planes Were So Heavy Laden With Fuel--going Cross Country This Was The Catalyst Which Brought Them Down--the Terrorists Knew This--they Knew The Building Was Designed To Withstand Against A 747 Hitting It But The Fuel Factor Was Never Calculated Into The Equation.
The Point Where The Towers Started Pancaking Was At The Point Of Entry Of The Planes.
I Dont Think You Can Prove Otherwise According To The Videos

koalawash 01-07-2008 11:56 AM

Guys you should probably start another thread.. ;)

Dutch 01-07-2008 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by pauluss (Post 19494)

Core Evidence
The WTC buildings collapsed at free the fall speed of gravity, 8.4 seconds (10 floors per second). To collapse at "Free fall" speed means that the falling building pieces had to crush concrete, shear steel bolts, and brake welds and fall just as fast as a rock dropped off the side of the building that hit nothing but air. Impossible without explosives. Each floor hit would have significantly slowed the fall!

The South Tower (Building #2) fell after 1 hour; the North Tower (Building #1) fell after 2 hours.The Meridian Plaza burned fiercely for 19 hours and never collapsed. The Madrid fire in 2005 burnt for 24 hours looking like a torch and never collapsed.

Yet Scientific American, October 2001 said "The WTC was probably one of the more resistant tall buildings..they just don't build them as tough as the World Trade Center"s

"The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time."- Federal Emergency Management Agency. Chapter 5, Page 31, May 2002

The investigation of the WTC "is a half-baked farce." - Fire Engineering Magazine. Jan 2002

All of the important evidence from the disaster was destroyed, illegally, and before the investigation was even concluded, some before it began! - Fire Engineering

$600,000 was spent investigating the WTC collapses vs. $40 million on Clinton's sex life.The entire 9/11 Commission only spent $15 million while all expenditures on Clinton's indiscretion exceed $65 million.

Building 7 at the WTC, 47 floors, steel, and constructed differently from the twin towers, fell at 5:30 but it was never hit by an airplane, had no significant fire! The fires were not long enough (only 1-2 hours) to harm the steel. Yet days later, there were "hot spots" in the building that still exceeded the maximum temperature possible from jet fuel - but not from explosives.

The gusting wind on the towers had at times been greater than the impact of the airliners. Neither tower was bent nor did they creak or groan at any time.

The concrete was encased in a steel framed pan yet clouds of finely pulverized concrete and steel beams came shooting out of the buildings for up to three times the width of the building at hundreds of miles per hour - only possible with explosives.

If the force of the falling building is strong enough to pulverize concrete then the bolts and rivets would have to hold beyond that force - and then give way. Yet the force to pulverize concrete into fine powder is greater than the force that sheers or stretches steel bolts and rivets. It cannot be both ways.

Both impacts and fires in the Twin Towers did not hit the center of the buildings. That means that only two sides of the building were harmed at most and two sides were structurally sound. Building 7 had no impact or significant fires. Yet all three collapses are perfectly straight down. Only the tops of the Towers should have fallen over, not the entire building all straight down, just like a controlled demolition.

"I'm still to this day amazed that he [alleged pilot on Flight 77] could have flown into the Pentagon," according to the hijackers pilot instructor. "He could not fly at all." Yet, "The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it's clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed."

NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES, Public Hearing, Friday, May 23, 2003 : Mr. Mineta: "There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane [Flight 77] is 50 miles out...30 miles... 10 miles out" - Cheney knew this plane was coming at Washington and the Pentagon and yet no planes had been scrambled to protect Washington after over 1 hour since the WTC was attacked. Even at 400 miles per hour, it takes over 7 minutes to travel 50 miles, more since the plane was at altitude. Cheney knew the plane was coming when it was even farther away since Mr. Mineta had not been present when Flight 77 was first reported to Mr. Cheney. They had known this flight was missing for over an hour after the first plane crashed into the North Tower. There should have been an umbrella of F-16 and other aircraft over Washington, DC. An F-16 fighter can travel 50 miles and destroy a target in less than 2 minutes. Moreover, pictures released by the Pentagon show anti-aircraft missiles firing at an aircraft much smaller than a 757. Everything failed! Incompetence, if not guilt.

Read how the alleged hijackers used top secret information to find holes in our Radar Defenses.

NORAD successfully intercepted off course and suspected hijackings 100% of 67 times during the year prior to 9/11 (AP, 8/13/02), each time in under 20 minutes. An Air Force F-15 "scrambles" to 29,000 feet in 2.5 minutes, normally intercepting in 15 minutes. Yet on 9/11 they were four failures for over an hour each -- three after they knew the planes were high-jacked and intended mass murder. Please read, "Crossing the Rubicon", by Michael Ruppert, which indicts Richard Cheney for his involvement in the war games that diverted our interceptors from stopping the high-jacked airplanes. Contrast this to Condoleezza Rice's statement from her May 16, 2002 press briefing, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile". (See Fox TV broadcast plot 6 months earlier) "Condoleezza Rice was the top National Security official with President Bush at the July 2001 G-8 summit in on Genoa. This was where U.S. officials were warned that Islamic terrorists might attempt to crash an airliner into the summit, which prompted officials to close the airspace over Genoa and station anti-aircraft guns at the city's airport".

"On August 6, 2001, just over a month before 9/11 and during the "summer of threat", President Bush received a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) at his Crawford, Texas ranch, entitled Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US The August 6th memo focused entirely on the possibility of terrorist attacks inside the US. In testimony before the 9/11 Commission, Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor to President Bush, stated to the 9/11 Commission that she and President Bush considered the August 6th PDB as just an historical document and commented that this was not considered a domestic warning. At this 9/11 hearing, Condoleezza Rice had taken an oath to tell the truth to the Commissioners. [Perjury!] "Additionally, according to the 9/11 Commission report, chief White House expert on terrorism, Richard Clarke, sent Rice an urgent memo just days after she took office stressing the severity of the terrorist threat. She did not respond. Although the national security leadership met formally nearly 100 times in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks . . . terrorism was the topic during only two of those sessions. The first meeting that dealt with al Qaeda did not occur until 9/4/01." Read the 9/11 widows letter on "Kindasleazy" Rice.

Rice lied that they did not anticipate hijackers using airplanes as weapons yet FEMA's cover image depicts just such an attack!

I am also appalled by the media. A Zogby Poll I commissioned reported that 66% of New Yorkers want the 9/11 investigation re-opened and 49% believe government VIP's knew ahead of time and did nothing to stop it. The New York Times thought it NOT "news fit to print". I had to pay for an advertisement to get it in the New York Times!

.............. hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah - it was terrorists, for sure

You call this writing? I call this cut and paste. :D

Yes, you right, it was Arab terrorists were mostly from Egypt and Saudia Arabia who hijacked 4 jet liners and carried out their conspiracy to destroy America. As far as the real world thinks and still believes, EBay had nothing to do with the 9/11 hijackings. :D

Bush and the gang were Asleep At The Wheel. Plain and simple. The attacks of 9/11 was a classic, nefarious plan hatched by a master criminal like Bin Laden who came in at the right moment at the right time. Lapses in the US Security at that point was also sleeping.

Like the act of a great villian, akin to an Islamic John Wilkes Booth against the Western world. On 9/11 he fired 4 shots heard around the world.

Building Number 7 was pulled down. No doubt about it. There were too many witnesses who had firemen set them aside from the demolition. That has already been proven.

The conspiracy resides with Guiliani and company. There's the conspiracy of Building Number 7 (Guiliani's Bunker) being pulled down because of confidential records.

Chris Hanson 01-07-2008 04:42 PM

Right. And multiple fireman even recalled hearing an serious of explosions/bangs. I also watched something on TV , and it said during the 2 days up to the attack nobody was not allowed into the backup battery room which is full of huge back up batteries. Many people believe explosives was replaced there and thats why no one was allowed in there.

Bush wanted war because Cheany owns a military surplass company. So when Bush went to war Cheany company is making billions supply the war with its supplies. Cheany is breaking bush off$$ and Bush is making money off the stocks as well.
Watched Micheal Moore 9/11 Amazon.com: Fahrenheit 9/11: DVD: John Ashcroft (II),James Baker III,James Bath,Khalil Bin Laden,Stephen G. Breyer,Dan Briody,Richard Clarke (XII),Tom Daschle,Robert De Niro,John T. Doolittle,Byron Dorgan,Charles Gibson (II),Abdul Henderson,Peter Jen

Dutch 01-07-2008 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Hanson (Post 19534)
Right. And multiple fireman even recalled hearing an serious of explosions/bangs. I also watched something on TV , and it said during the 2 days up to the attack nobody was not allowed into the backup battery room which is full of huge back up batteries. Many people believe explosives was replaced there and thats why no one was allowed in there.

Bush wanted war because Cheany owns a military surplass company. So when Bush went to war Cheany company is making billions supply the war with its supplies. Cheany is breaking bush off$$ and Bush is making money off the stocks as well.

I'm 39 years old and my older brother survived 9/11. I've seen and met all the 9/11 conspiracy people out there in NYC where I live. My brother had all that white stuff all over him. And I saw the movie "Farenheit 9/11". lol! Man, where have you guys been? The Moore doc was way back in 2003. And With repeated showings of 9/11 conspiracy theories shows abound on the History Channel, how can you miss it?

We are in big trouble in 2009 in the republicans win!

Chris Hanson 01-07-2008 06:24 PM

Not to mention did you know the Mark of the Beats is coming.. DID you know that Untied States, Mexico and Canada is about to be 1 currency only??

Right now China Japan and Asia are going to 1 currency..

Thats means ultimately there is going to be 1 currency worldwide... Its about to get real deep soon. Ebay is the least of our worries/

Dutch 01-07-2008 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Hanson (Post 19552)
Not to mention did you know the Mark of the Beats is coming.. DID you know that Untied States, Mexico and Canada is about to be 1 currency only??

Right now China Japan and Asia are going to 1 currency..

Thats means ultimately there is going to be 1 currency worldwide... Its about to get real deep soon. Ebay is the least of our worries/

Microsoft started all this.

The web was once the last frontier. Now it's quickly approaching big brother.

Alexander Hamilton is turning in his grave.

Chris Hanson 01-08-2008 05:06 PM

^^^WTF People already blew the whistle on the tower thing, but some Americans like you choose to ignore it and look the other way.

Multiple people have blown the whistle and they got silenced quick.

ebayhateluv 01-08-2008 06:25 PM

FYI- I am keeping tabs on the user ids-- 1 acct down yesterday, still 2 up.. continuing to rack up fees--home page listings/bold/double categories/ featured,etc.. each listing is approx $100, ( I used to use that criteria for high dollar watches/antiques)--
--thing of it is- the turnover rate is only like 18-20 % on the accts, lists like 60 items, cost $5,000+, sells only 8-12 items, then relists again..

ivegotinfo 01-08-2008 06:25 PM

you are ****ting me.
i am anti bush, anti war, not really anti god since..i dont really care what you believe as long as it doesent concern me..

but you like bush? for what? for him starting a war on false pretenses, for not investigating 911, for putting the US into insane debt? not investigating guantanamo, and for making the US a police state? for profiting off the war in iraq?
and you are also for this ⊗⊗⊗⊗ war? if you can give me a GOOD reason on why the US is in iraq (and don't say terrorism, since the only terrorists are the US government) then we can discuss further, if not..maybe you need a balloon...

Chris Hanson 01-08-2008 06:36 PM

savahaganda Are you serious Anti Bush..lol Social Security Crash lol U got alot to learn..Your not even from this country so your opinion shouldnt even count truthfully

The SS system is meant to crash. More and more people are living tonger now. The SS sytem was never meant to payout as much as they do butpeople started living longer. back in the mid 1900's you only had to be like 55 or something like that to get SS benefits but the the thing is most people never lived to see age 55 so they never got the benefits anyway.When medical technology advanced people started living longer so the SS system slowly crashed. thats why they keep uping the age to get SS every year..

And Bush is the most hated president ever. The most dumbest president ever. That is messed up tp go down in history like that and for you to say anyway that is antibush should be shot...And this is coming from somebody that stated on this forum that they will and do scam the PAypal and Ebay system.
You are no different then anybody else "crashing the SS system" . And please dont say it is because Paypal scammed you bla bla.. maybe the other people thats crashing the system feel the same way. maybe they feel they been juked by the system. So what makes you in the right and not them.

Personally I feel you need to go play in traffic with you bashing. you are just like the rest of the other contradicting politics. people who feel they can do what ever and be in the wrong but when its other people doing the same thing their wrong. But they are only wrong because they have less money then you or because you look down on them..

You have alot to learn. Alot.. Bush has destroyed this country..

Bush is the reason Ebay and paypal is getting away with what they do. So you can thanks Bush for screwing you over. Since everybody got their nose in the war, corps can get away with alot of stuff now that they normally could not because our main focus is a bogus war.

Dutch 01-08-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by ivegotinfo (Post 19674)
if you can give me a GOOD reason on why the US is in iraq (and don't say terrorism, since the only terrorists are the US government) then we can discuss further, if not..maybe you need a balloon...

Without the war in Iraq, the terrorists were scattered across the Middle East, and Europe. Bush's war made perfect sense. He took out Saddam the dictator and his 2 psychotic sons. In doing so, all the former members of the Bath'sts army and police became the terrorists against the US take-over. Al Qaeda poured in from all around the regions, and the world, converged into Iraq through the borders of Iran to fight the US. By doing so, the US military had most of the terrorist population in one place, in one country.
Then the US military set about killing them off. It was a brilliant strategy: the US military turned Iraq into a quagmire the terrorists were basically trapped like animals and slaughtered.

Only problem: NO EXIT!:eek:

lolpie 01-10-2008 12:52 AM

This thread is being hijacked (pun intended). We were talking about eBay+Paypal then all of a sudden the discussion changes to GWB, republics, 9/11..

Chris Hanson 01-10-2008 01:00 AM

Need a change of thought every know and then

poopdeck 01-10-2008 07:43 AM

Exactly, we can't blame people for diverging conversation away from paypal and ebay. Hey did you see that special on TV last night about the totally electric car GM built --the EV? It was a great little car which got 60 miles per charge back then and probably could get over 300 today on todays battery technology---Its a good example of what car makers can do for us if they really wanted to. $200 per month for gas really cuts into your budget.
That's uncle 'Jam' hard at work for you--Its really all related.

koalawash 01-10-2008 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Hanson (Post 19661)
^^^WTF People already blew the whistle on the tower thing, but some Americans like you choose to ignore it and look the other way.

Multiple people have blown the whistle and they got silenced quick.

It's because most people expect some kind of evidence, along with "blowing the whistle".

koalawash 01-10-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch (Post 19681)
Without the war in Iraq, the terrorists were scattered across the Middle East, and Europe. Bush's war made perfect sense. He took out Saddam the dictator and his 2 psychotic sons. In doing so, all the former members of the Bath'sts army and police became the terrorists against the US take-over. Al Qaeda poured in from all around the regions, and the world, converged into Iraq through the borders of Iran to fight the US. By doing so, the US military had most of the terrorist population in one place, in one country.
Then the US military set about killing them off. It was a brilliant strategy: the US military turned Iraq into a quagmire the terrorists were basically trapped like animals and slaughtered.

Only problem: NO EXIT!:eek:

That's interesting, I never thought of it that way.

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