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ptenchick 05-30-2010 11:52 AM

Ebay stealth Feedback -- more protection?
I was browsing Ebay today and found a very interesting member there. He sells some random stuff and includes one Vero item for about 10 non-Vero things.

When I went to check his feedback, I found out that all his auctions were private. So, it was really hard to figure out what this guy sold and how much the final price was as the name of the sold item and its price was were not there....It was really stealth feedback! :) LOL!

He has about 100 positive and 2 negative feedback. Clear as a day, he sells @@@@@!

Then I thought that having private auctions was not a bad idea, as it might lower a seller's chance to be reported by other members to Vero...Just sharing...

slapped 05-30-2010 12:13 PM

I have seen that for a Long time, I Never tried it though, I have always felt that as soon as you make an Auction "Private" it invites Ebay to take a closer look at it.

Remember a Private Auction is ONLY Private to other Ebay MEMBERS NOT, EBAY itself.

As far as the feedback, Yea I might be able to see an advantage keeping it private, Potential buyers are left in the dark as to why a particular negative feedback was issued.
But the truth is that it does not matter to Ebay WHY it was Negative, only that is was Negative, as for the buyers, negatives will "turn off" some buyers, but depending on how popular the item is, it may not even matter.

OfficialGenius 05-30-2010 08:16 PM

There is a take down for keeping auction private. I forgot what MC it is but it makes the seller suspicious. So make sure you have a very good detailed description and pictures if you plan to make a private listing. I just take the easy route and just make a separate listing titled
"Private auction for ______" and just make the buy it now price $1.00 and free shipping. And after he buys it now, you flip the invoice to the total amount agreed. (Only do this with professional trusted buyers)

Before eBay caught on, I used to just list it as buy it now $1.00 and shipping price $199.00 if the item you agreed to sell to the buyer totals to 200, let's say.

This is how I saved hundreds in fees. :D

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