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Gman91189 10-03-2011 04:50 PM

ADVANCED Members: How do you organize your inventory/accounts?
I Pretty much KNOW how to do all of this.. but im just wanting to keep it fresh and get alot more organized
First... i have all my accounts on Excel Separated by days.
meaning i have separate tabs:

They are pretty much self explanatory.
And i use Monday accounts to list ONLY on MONDAYS (or scheduled to)
Tuesdays for tuesdays..etc..

I also have a Dry erase calendar with the account names and how much is in Each paypal account(gives you a nice visual on what account is making what amount of money)

Goal is to have 4 accounts/day
using only 1/wk and flip floping them around

Ok, now for inventory...
i Already have everything basically labeled and ready to go in rows

Any other ideas out there that maybe i dont know about.. or adding on to what i have

I pretty much want to know what would be a good way to organizing your accounts so i dont have to do 20/day... or a good way to keep it "safe because i listed too much at once"

GrannyT 10-03-2011 04:52 PM

Phew - far too complicated for a simple soul like me

mississippighost 10-03-2011 05:59 PM

Might wanna invest in Excel...that's what I use...Make your own custom sheet with all that info....easy to do ctrl-f for ip addresses to instead of writing them down.

GTB 10-03-2011 06:03 PM

GMan...it sounds like you got it sussed lad

all my inventory gets stuffed in a corner and when it sells i search for it

got a chart with all the account info etc but no plans or owt

a white board with general info is a great idea,thanks


Axcend 10-03-2011 06:42 PM

I logged IPs for amazon on a .txt file with the corresponding MAC addresses. I run my amazon accounts on different VMWare machines, each one has a .txt file with all the info for the account.

Sounds like you're a lot more organized than I am :)

HurricaneHuntr 10-04-2011 12:20 PM

Post its with item weights IKEA has good shelving units my lady bought some that are great goes up so it doesn't take up space. Styrofoam I hate. Bad part of getting stuff from suppliers. My roomba works it picking it up. Anyone with any tips on opening up these packages with out the crap breaking up and getting everywhere? ? Maybe just Mr who gets these shipments with the annoying foam

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

rsot 10-04-2011 12:24 PM

I am ghet-to with the Notepad accessory heh.

jbluntz 10-04-2011 12:50 PM

Same here, notepad all the way, I keep all my notepad docs saved on my Blackberry which I tether with so no matter what computer I'm on it's all right there.

Keep a notepad doc for each category eg. actively selling, suspended, bank verified, gmail accounts etc. etc. It's real easy to resize it into a small size in the corner of the screen.

As for inventory I keep it stacked up under my bed with plenty pre-packed and ready to go.

mike017 10-04-2011 12:52 PM

I use excel for everything. Clean & Simple

jbluntz 10-04-2011 01:02 PM

I have excel on my mac, doesn't seem to want to resize, don't think I can save it all on my blackberry either.

GrannyT 10-04-2011 01:13 PM

I'm 60 - do I qualify as an advanced member?

I keep my stock in a sealed shed with a running sheet on each item. Every time I take one out I mark it down


Gman91189 10-04-2011 01:27 PM

Lotta good ideas out here.. i already use excel.. i love it.. i have about 4 copies saved, 2 into different external hard drives.. you know as back ups.. JUST in case my pc messes up

Yea my hardest part is keeping up with my inventory. i have a lot but i dont really have a way to track the items.. because it takes about a wk for me to get each shipment...
I dont want to have the customers wait a wk because i got back tracked..
The sealed shed is a good idea.. except im in a small room.. any ideas about shelves, maybe storage boxes labeled... but i think that would take too much room..
But a dry erase calendar with just the name and amount of money on the paypals is pretty neat.. i know which i account has what and how much :)

Sandy D 10-04-2011 11:24 PM

I use good old file folders that are color coded.

Then I keep a post it note on the wall of the accounts that have current items on them.

IP's- well I did the excel thing for a while but found just writing them on the back of the file folders works best for me.

I just run down the list for any matching end number and away I go.

All info for said account is on the folder and on a piece of paper inside.

GTB 10-05-2011 06:55 AM

sandy,putting them n your phone under the name of your account is a good easy way

only pitfall is if you lose your phone:doh:

if you got a smart phone attach the email address of the accounts too and instead of savng the numbers on your phone or sim, save to the email account of which the ip is attached

then whenever you get an ip type it into your phone and it will tell you straight away f t has been used before and on which account

rsot 10-05-2011 10:53 AM

Always keep backups of info - period.

HurricaneHuntr 10-05-2011 04:18 PM

This is why i keep all the sensitive data written down instead of saved, i have a laptop for on the go work, and of course a home pc for work and my gaming pc.. Which is collecting dust because i am so busy!

LoopHole 10-05-2011 06:15 PM

Mannnn i wish i was organized like you Gman.

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