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Old 10-21-2011
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Default Another horror story...

I have an eBay account, and a paypal account both created last year.
eBay now has more than 50 positives. I have purchased stuff for self-use.
Started selling last month.
Got 10/$500 limit. One time I was on the phone with a lady, she raised the limit to 100/$1500
I've shipped EVERYTHING fast (in max. 2 days, as specified), always provided tracking number, never received any negative, just positives.
I sold something which sold for $300, buyer paid, just about when I was to go to the post office, bang the account got limited requesting photo id, proof of address and tracking num
I've uploaded photo id and proof of address, but didn't ship the item yet, I decided to do it the next day. But when I woke up next day I got an appeal denied email (see below)

My eBay account was not limited and I still have auctions running but how can I take payments for them now?

Called them on the phone they told I cannot do anything.

See the email:

We regret to inform you that we are taking steps to close your account.
This measure is necessary to protect against the risk of bad customer
experiences and financial losses, in view of certain activity related to
your account that we have reason to believe has taken place.

Your right to appeal:

PayPal will always carry out a thorough and routine investigation before
closing any account. However, we appreciate that from time to time
misunderstandings can happen. If you have an important query on this
matter, and wish to appeal our decision, you can do so. Please log in to
your PayPal account at and click 'Contact Us' at the
bottom of any PayPal page.

Access to your money during the account closure period:

This decision means we must oversee the appropriate disposal of any balance
that you currently hold. A gradual approach to account closure allows you
and PayPal to ‘part ways’ while considering any liabilities that may arise.
Our aim is to review all valid claims lodged by PayPal users dissatisfied
with the goods or services they paid you for. We must allow enough time for
claims to be filed as these can take several months to be reported and

How will the process work?

To ensure the process is fair for all parties:

1. PayPal will first hold any balance in your account for 90 days. We do
this because it provides sufficient time for most claims, such as
chargebacks, to be filed by other parties. If your account balance is
negative, please note that you will have to settle any amounts owed on your
account including chargebacks or claims to avoid legal action being taken
against you.

2. Once we’re satisfied that there are no future claims or liabilities
associated with your account, we will notify you after 90 days and release
the money to your PayPal balance. If we find that any further claims are
likely, please note that we will need to retain any remaining balance for
up to 180 days from the date your account could no longer receive money.

Whether your balance is restricted for 90 or 180 days, you will still be
able to log into your PayPal account. However, you won’t be able to
withdraw money unless you see an ‘Available Balance’. This can be withdrawn
to your bank account or credit card.

Accounts with negative balances:

An amount owed to PayPal is displayed as a negative balance. If your
account has a negative balance or if your balance becomes negative due to
any claims made during the time your balance is held, we recommend you add
funds to your PayPal account to ensure that the balance remains above zero.
Please note that if you don’t do this, PayPal reserves the right to recover
the amount by any legal means available to us.

If you'd like more information about our policies, please read our User
Agreement. Click 'Legal Agreements' at the bottom of any PayPal page, and
then click 'User Agreement for PayPal Service’.

Our right to close a PayPal account, and the retention of funds in balance,
are covered in section 10.2 and 10.3.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

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Old 10-21-2011
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Are you converting the money? I'd expect it to be euros or sterling based on your flag.
What country were you selling on?

If this was paypal .com (USA) & you accessed via VPN you appeared a risk.

Feedback of 50 and selling an item at $300 is a potential risk under most circumstances.
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Old 10-21-2011
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Originally Posted by GreenBean™ View Post
Are you converting the money? I'd expect it to be euros or sterling based on your flag.
What country were you selling on?

If this was paypal .com (USA) & you accessed via VPN you appeared a risk.

Feedback of 50 and selling an item at $300 is a potential risk under most circumstances.
I was selling on and, my primary balance was USD, another is my local currency.

I'm always using remote desktop to list, fixed ip and 1 goes for 1 account. same country for all accounts, but different states for different ip
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Old 10-21-2011
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When the buyers pay refund them from the limited paypal if they pay you and give them ane explanation your paypal has a limit of how much you can receive so you will invoice them from your second paypal account. Then invoice them from your second with a money request and put in the description for what it is.


You can email them right away once you they win the auction explaining the situation, but don't tell them your limited or they think your a scammer.
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