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devz 03-05-2012 08:40 AM

Ip address
Hiya everyone,

I just want to ask if it is safe to carry on with the process of carrying on creating a stealth account.

I visited IPBurger, and I get different IP addresses everytime I switch off my computer and come back on the website...

Does this mean it is safe to proceed meaning the ip address always changes which is a good thing to prevent ebay from linking me to my old suspension accounts?

thanks I am just worried about this little problem

NoneOther 03-05-2012 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by devz (Post 317801)
Hiya everyone,

I just want to ask if it is safe to carry on with the process of carrying on creating a stealth account.

I visited IPBurger, and I get different IP addresses everytime I switch off my computer and come back on the website...

Does this mean it is safe to proceed meaning the ip address always changes which is a good thing to prevent ebay from linking me to my old suspension accounts?

thanks I am just worried about this little problem

Switching your router off and on again changes the IP if dynamically assigned by your ISP.

Turning your computer off and on again DOES NOT.

devz 03-05-2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by NoneOther (Post 317880)
Switching your router off and on again changes the IP if dynamically assigned by your ISP.

Turning your computer off and on again DOES NOT.

I can confirm now that once my modem is off, and turnt back on, then when I visit IPburger, I always get different IP numbers ...

does that mean I dont need to worry about IP addresses anymore?


SUVE 03-05-2012 12:27 PM

You have to keep the IP addresses under your radar to prevent cross linking different EB/PP A/C.

devz 03-05-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by SUVE (Post 317886)
You have to keep the IP addresses under your radar to prevent cross linking different EB/PP A/C.

For the time being, I just want to work with one Stealth account

GTB 03-05-2012 12:31 PM

your okay then

but if you start to run two or more accounts then you would need to keep a log of ip's used

better to be safe than sorry

NoneOther 03-05-2012 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by devz (Post 317883)
I can confirm now that once my modem is off, and turnt back on, then when I visit IPburger, I always get different IP numbers ...

does that mean I dont need to worry about IP addresses anymore?


Modem/router off/on YES

Computer off/on NO

Keep a log of all IP addresses and if you get one that has been used on another account turn your modem/router off and on until you get a different one or one that has been used with that specific account previously.

devz 03-05-2012 12:41 PM

Just out of topic,

I have created a bank account with RBS, and im currently awaiting a letter through the post that will contain my Special Number to access Online banking, and also a debit card.

the next step is to get a prepaid Debit card right?

if so, I am confused on that part of the stealth book.

SUVE 03-05-2012 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by devz (Post 317901)
Just out of topic,

I have created a bank account with RBS, and im currently awaiting a letter through the post that will contain my Special Number to access Online banking, and also a debit card.

the next step is to get a prepaid Debit card right?

if so, I am confused on that part of the stealth book.


Your RBS A/C will suffice.

devz 03-05-2012 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by SUVE (Post 317908)

Your RBS A/C will suffice.

A prepaid card?

that is wha I need apparently according to the Stealth Book,

GTB 03-05-2012 12:55 PM

add a UK bank account to UK paypal to verify it

do not add a debit card!

add a vcc only unless the info is all matching then you can add your debit card

SUVE 03-05-2012 12:55 PM

You have a RBS A/C for your PP A/C, so you are good to go.:pry:

You are mixing things up here.:redface:

devz 03-05-2012 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by SUVE (Post 317913)
You have a RBS A/C for your PP A/C, so you are good to go.:pry:

You are mixing things up here.:redface:

ohh righty, just to confirm things, Why is the prepaid card section on the stealth book there?


NoneOther 03-05-2012 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by devz (Post 317915)
ohh righty, just to confirm things, Why is the prepaid card section on the stealth book there?


Adding a debit or credit card confirms your address.

If you are using a stealth address then the debit card from your bank account will not pass AVS (address verification system) that is why you use a prepaid or vcc that does not require an address or any address can be added to it.

Search the forum for suitable cards.

Confirming your address makes p/p a little happier with your account

SUVE 03-05-2012 01:01 PM

NoneOther has explained things nicely.

devz 03-05-2012 01:11 PM

Thanks guys :FF:

rsot 03-05-2012 04:54 PM

Good stuff - IP change is good - now make separate user accounts and go at it.

devz 03-06-2012 07:45 AM

I now have to wait for my Bank account details that Iv created to come through the post :mad:

justiceknight 03-07-2012 08:34 AM

regarding IP

so we as long as we get different IP @ ipburger.com and we are safe?? Do i still need to check the ip in the CMD command?

lhall5422 03-07-2012 10:42 PM

Whatever ipburger shows is what eb/pp sees. Just keep log of ones used. It is super easy using excel and doing the find option. Even with 1 stealth because you may have to open another or whatever... don't wanna take any chances of linking...

justiceknight 03-08-2012 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by lhall5422 (Post 318794)
Whatever ipburger shows is what eb/pp sees. Just keep log of ones used. It is super easy using excel and doing the find option. Even with 1 stealth because you may have to open another or whatever... don't wanna take any chances of linking...

ok i plan to have many stealth accounts

I register acc A with X ip
then acc b with Y ip
when i go back acc A, i do the ipconfig thing get Z ip

so i have to keep record of all XYZ ips?

justiceknight 03-08-2012 06:22 PM

i hope to get an answer for my question asap >_<

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