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andyf777 05-01-2012 07:31 AM

MC019 Expiry
Hi people

My dreaded policy breaches (MC019) expire soon, after the sizth month period passes ebay say they will be removed from my account(s).

I have got about another 3 weeks till they clear off totally. Question is - can i relist the same items that got me suspended, if i change the wording, photos etc?

NoneOther 05-01-2012 07:35 AM

I would say probably not. Way too risky imo.

Stigger 05-01-2012 07:55 AM

i would say it depends on what it is .

i would try it on another account in better posistion first to see if it gets pulled but before that i would see how many are on ebay to see if its worth trying.

andyf777 05-01-2012 08:44 AM

I actively sell these items and have been for 3 years. Its just that every now and again they get pulled. But i want to know if they will get pulled automatically AFTER the vreachs have been lifted?

Has anyone tried this after the 6 months?

Obviously they could get pulled at any time (they are vero) but i just would like to know if anyone has had any luck with it? I would really like to reuse this particular account you see (big feedback and limits)

NoneOther 05-01-2012 08:52 AM

If you list them on the same account and they get takedown again it could lead to an indefinite suspension for continued deliberate policy breach.

andyf777 05-01-2012 09:07 AM

Hmmm true, but would this still happen if the breachs were not on the account anymore. Is that not the reason why they give you three strikes and your out?

NoneOther 05-01-2012 09:33 AM

Repeated breaches of the same policy violation regardless of current status is more than enough reason for them to ban your account.

andyf777 05-01-2012 09:41 AM

Ok thanks for the input. If anyone else has any experiance with this please do jump on!


GTB 05-01-2012 09:57 AM

i would not risk it on a 3 year old account....NFW

rsot 05-01-2012 10:31 AM

Why were you suspended exactly? Ve Ro violation? If so - you need permission to sell the same stuff...

NoneOther 05-01-2012 10:46 AM

You normally need the rights owners permission to resell any branded item.

rsot 05-01-2012 11:41 AM

Exactly NoneOther otherwise you risk being banned for good.

andyf777 05-01-2012 12:22 PM

I have tried numerous times to gain permission, or even a response from the rights owner to resell the goods but to no avail.

Alot of people on this forum have the same issues as me, yet still sell them as and when they can. My question is, has anyone had any experiance on relisting the same item after the violations have expired (6 months)

Thanks for the responses though!

NoneOther 05-01-2012 12:35 PM

The fact is, if you relist them again without proper authority then you run the risk of them being taken down yet again and then possibly an indefinite suspension.

Why would you even contemplate doing that on a 3 year old account?

TBH I don't think other users similar experiences will alter that situation in any way.

If they are listing similar items then they have either got permission to do so or have just been lucky to avoid any problems so far.

GTB 05-01-2012 02:18 PM

dont sell again on that account unless they legit and do not breach any rules on ebay

3 year account is something to look after man

rsot 05-01-2012 02:18 PM


I have tried numerous times to gain permission, or even a response from the rights owner to resell the goods but to no avail.

Need to try harder.

Stigger 05-02-2012 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by andyf777 (Post 336770)
I actively sell these items and have been for 3 years. Its just that every now and again they get pulled. But i want to know if they will get pulled automatically AFTER the vreachs have been lifted?

Has anyone tried this after the 6 months?

Obviously they could get pulled at any time (they are vero) but i just would like to know if anyone has had any luck with it? I would really like to reuse this particular account you see (big feedback and limits)

Thats why i said what i said, see if its the season for your item pulling so to speak,

i would put the things on another account personally and leave the account your talking about to really get in the CLEAR.

Elijah 05-02-2012 08:52 AM

In my experience, you only become suspended after 5 MC019 in a row. If you leave the account after for example 4 breaches and then let one or more of them drop off your account, you can continue then indefinitely.

rsot 05-02-2012 09:01 AM

5 in a row? That's not what I have seen from other folx.

GreenBean 05-02-2012 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by andyf777 (Post 336793)
Ok thanks for the input. If anyone else has any experiance with this please do jump on!


Please explain why you want to endanger an old established account just to list an special item?

Options would be to

stop selling the item.

Or get permission from the IP owner to sell.

Since it's likely from the way you are talking permission may not be given then 1st option stands.

And since you invited sharing.... my partner had a series of these MC019s. Let them rest, drop off the seller's dashboard. Account went 19 months 'clean'.
He listed another 'naughty' item. And lost the account. ebay said he had a previous history of abusing ebay. :tears:
Your choice

NoneOther 05-02-2012 09:22 AM

Exactly what I said earlier.

Habitual offending = dead account.

GreenBean 05-02-2012 09:29 AM

The magic bad word with ebay Habitual.

Transgressions we were told that were forgiven are not :smash:

GTB 05-02-2012 09:38 AM

5 in a row :doh:

not true and if it did happen this would of been for minor breaches

i see it has 3 strikes and ya out

but they (ebay) can do whatever they want

so like you have been told.....dont risk it bud !

NoneOther 05-02-2012 10:03 AM

There must be storm cloud brewing somewhere.

Any guesses on who it's going to hit?

easytiger12381 05-02-2012 10:21 AM

My real account was a 2008 account, 700+ postive feedback all 100%. I had one vero breach and a couple of minor suspensions within 12 months but they had dropped off my account by Sept 2011 and policy compliance was back up to high. In November 2011 a buyer opened a case. They were refunded promptly but the next day when I logged on I had an indefinite suspension. The item that the case was raised for was not the item that the previous breaches had been for.

Moral is- there is no 'set amount of strikes'. If they tell you not to list it- dont unless you have authority. I also believe that the breaches never go away, otherwise why suspend a 3 year old account with high policy compliance, 100% positive 700+ FB because one 'a-hole' opened a case within giving me a chance to resolve it first. My previous breaches MUST have been taken into account. Listen to waht these guys are saying to you. They know what they are talking about and so do I now (learned the hard way):tears:

andyf777 05-03-2012 10:07 AM

Ok thanks everyone for the replies. I'll just leave that account now!

rsot 05-03-2012 10:47 AM

Smart decision - wait and rebuild it.

resilient 06-22-2012 05:47 AM

OK chaps,
I have a 6m+ old account with Powerseller status, just got 2 MC019s in succession yesterday.

Ever since, I've been checking my Seller Dashboard, and my policy compliance stays unchanged("Because you have no severe policy breaches, you are not at risk of EB taking action against your account or listings."), the 2 violations don't show in the dashboard!

However the two MC019 messages show in My Messages section and the listings were taken down!

Anyone care to explain why my compliance status hasn't been affected?

andyf777 06-22-2012 07:36 AM

The same has happened to me in the past when ive had takedowns. I think it must depend on the staff member who deals with the takedown. Sometimes my complience stays unaffected, most times not though so count yourself lucky!

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