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-   -   IP Burger is showing right where I live (https://www.aspkin.com/forums/subscriber-discussions/46899-ip-burger-showing-right-where-i-live.html)

RRonald 05-29-2012 02:52 AM

IP Burger is showing right where I live
IP Burger IP is showing right where I actually live. Not where the address of the stealth account is. I have an account in IL but the IP on IP burger shows NJ. What can I do? Thanks guys.

RRonald 05-29-2012 03:31 AM

So what I mean is. Ip burger has a map on its page and it's showing exactly where the ip address is coming from. Does eBay see the same thing? If so, I'm effed. My eBay stealth address doesn't match the address shown the map.

GreenBean 05-29-2012 04:11 AM

Dont panic!!!!

It's acceptable.

Provided you have the user account cookies & teh same IP it's seldom a problem

Please read the below threads & pay attention to lakeman's posts.

It's not a worry.

To give you some encouragement, my own IP sometimes shows I am 600 miles away.

That would be nice except it's barren desert LOL. The set up of user account, cookies flask cookies makes things OK :peace:



rsot 05-29-2012 04:39 AM

GB with the solace.

token 05-29-2012 06:08 AM

@ OP:

what browser you use ? In FF you can choose under settings to not let sites track you, also Chrome asks you when you enter the site if you want to share your location with IPBurger in this case


I use VPN (W7 on Virtualbox btw). If I go to IPBurger and I get asked if I wanna share my physical location, if I choose yes it finds my real location even though I use secure VPN. If I choose not to track my physical location it cant find my real location.

aspkin 05-31-2012 11:29 PM

Trust that there are other ways to track your location.

The new version of IPBurger won't ask for permission for location details -- it's not needed.

And yes, what IPBurger.com sees, every websites including eBay can see.

Sandy D 06-01-2012 12:34 AM


I know it tracks location but does that mean within a certain mile radius or what?

I am hoping you mean that a website cannot track you right down to a street or can it?

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