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Old 07-18-2013
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Default Do you guys get these too?

I constantly get low ball offers on my items. At least 5-10 a day messages with ridiculous offers to where i would make no profit. In fact i would lose money if i sold them at the prices they offer me. What do these people think when they send an offer like that. I don't reply to them but i need a new strategy to make these people realize that we don't get this stuff for free and let them notice how stupid they sound. My ideal way would be sending a virus through eb*y messages into their computer making it explode. If anyone knows a way to do this let me know.
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Old 07-18-2013
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I get it all the time.

How I get rid of them is by placing the set BIN price that I am willing to review/accept. And like a $1 - $10 below that, its auto rejected.

Moronic buyers (those who offer like 40 bucks for a 200 dollar item) get blocked. They are just trolling and hoping to get a freebie for the most part.
I go through the list of those who were rejected and pick/block the trollers.
Old 07-18-2013
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When you set it up to allow the buyer to make an offer there is an option that lets you choose the amount to auto reject and the amount to auto accspt.


BN price is 250

You set it up so that every offer under 200 is rejected and every offer over 235 is auto accspted.

Doing this makes it so you will only receive offers within a good margin.

Hope I helped!
Old 07-18-2013
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Originally Posted by l33twolf View Post
When you set it up to allow the buyer to make an offer there is an option that lets you choose the amount to auto reject and the amount to auto accspt.


BN price is 250

You set it up so that every offer under 200 is rejected and every offer over 235 is auto accspted.

Doing this makes it so you will only receive offers within a good margin.

Hope I helped!
I would, tried it already. But in this items case, the bins are much lower than actually what the auctions end at.
Old 07-18-2013
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Originally Posted by cjmixers View Post
I get it all the time.

How I get rid of them is by placing the set BIN price that I am willing to review/accept. And like a $1 - $10 below that, its auto rejected.

Moronic buyers (those who offer like 40 bucks for a 200 dollar item) get blocked. They are just trolling and hoping to get a freebie for the most part.
I go through the list of those who were rejected and pick/block the trollers.
I just don't get it. I would never send someone an offer like that b/c i know no one in their right mind would accept it..... Why do they even try?
Old 07-18-2013
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I just leave the offer option turned off. I tried it thinking I could get some more business, but the only people making the offers basically wanted the items for next to nothing.
Old 07-18-2013
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I did it for a while also and just click on refuse all offers below a certain number.

Still got messages hey I see your item only has a bid or two would you take 50.00 for this 500.00 item if it does not meet your price?

I got many of them. Antiques area is notorious for cheap buyers who want something for nothing and then again many who will shell out big bucks for the right thing. So it weighs out in the end but the low balling is sometimes ridiculous offers.

Now since I run most items Sunday to Sunday I dont have to deal with these people much.
Old 07-19-2013
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Originally Posted by LoopHole View Post
I just don't get it. I would never send someone an offer like that b/c i know no one in their right mind would accept it..... Why do they even try?
I think that Sometimes they try to hope that people will fall for it, accidentally accept and then end up in a legal binding contract and have to sell.

Or, Others are probably competitors hoping that you're desperate enough to sell it to them to make a quick buck, then leave feedback to screw your account over.
Old 07-19-2013
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Dont forget that these losers who send ridiculous lowball offers are hoping you will accidentally a) click and accept forcing you to sell...or b) have set an accepted offer so low due to being an eB novice.
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Default low offers

yep, some of these people are really insulting with the offers they throw out. I just ignore them. No need to waste my time on someone whose obviously going to be an issue down the road.
Old 07-19-2013
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Lately I have been getting insane offers for items I don't even have a "Or Best Offer". I had an item that I was selling for $120....received an offer from some crazy person offering me $80! lol, I was wtf!!!!, sold the item. Three weeks later I had the same item up for sale again for the same price, well crazy person again tried to low-ball me! had to put them on my block list and I've never had a block list haha.
Old 07-19-2013
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They are the same sort that you get at 6am at the car boot sales offering £10 for all your items.
Old 07-19-2013
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Car Boot Sales are equal to Flea Markets, Swapmeets in the US for those who don't know.
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