Perfume - eBay Listing Removed: Trademark Violation - Unauthorized Item - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 04-29-2012
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Default Perfume - eBay Listing Removed: Trademark Violation - Unauthorized Item

So I have over 250 transactions will 100% rating and have within the last 6 months developed a cologne/perfume hobby. I buy some expensive colognes in large quantities and sell off what I don't need in atomizers. I also sell the samples I get from the stores. All of it is 100% authentic and I would never do anything to risk my flawless approval rating. Recently I had all 5 of my listings removed with the following email from eBay.

Your listing has been removed.

You have listed brand name perfume, cosmetics or a lotion that has been decanted. While we realize that there may be a market for these items, we have made the decision to not allow them on our site.

I understand that you may have not been aware of this policy, and meant no ill intentions. At times, there is a learning curve when selling on eBay, and we appreciate your contributions to our community. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation and we wish you the best with your future transactions.

We kindly ask that you do not relist this item on eBay. In addition, feel free to report other listings that are similar. You may do this by using the report this item link in a listing.

Trademark infringement is unlawful and violates eBay's policies. A trademark is a unique sign (such as a name, word, phrase, logo, or symbol) that a company uses to identify its products and/or services.

Using another company's trademark in a way that may confuse buyers about the source of goods or services, or confuses buyers into believing that the seller is affiliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by the trademark owner is both illegal and against eBay's policies. Examples include counterfeits, unauthorized replica items and items that bear the brand or logo of a company without that company's permission.

Guideline: If the product you are listing bears the brand or logo of a company, but it wasn't made or authorized by that company, don't sell it on eBay.

It's against the law to sell unauthorized replicas of brand name products. Accordingly, listings for unauthorized replicas are not permitted on eBay.

For more information, please visit the following Help pages:

You may need to take a tutorial. If it's required, you may be asked to take it the next time you sell. Once you've completed the tutorial successfully, please review your account status for any other possible concerns. If there are no other issues, you should be able to sell again.

To take the intellectual property tutorial, please visit:

Please be aware that any additional violations of this policy may result in the suspension of your account. We understand that you may be concerned about this situation.

For more information on why eBay may remove a listing, please visit:

Please be assured that your listings have not been targeted in any way. We review all listings that are reported to us by eBay members or Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) program participants. If you have additional questions, contact our policy experts. Get started by clicking the link below:

We understand that you may have been unaware of this eBay policy, and we encourage you to learn how to keep your experiences on eBay successful.


Any fees for listings ended early because of this violation will not be credited to your account.

We appreciate your understanding.



Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email.

So they removed a couple of decants I made myself and also 4 original samples direct from the store which I did not make. I just wonder what to do now. There are still a ton of bigger sellers still selling what I had in even larger quantities. The exact same items I had removed are on eBay right now for sale. I was thinking I could at least still sell the original samples I did not decant and have a good case since it came direct from the store. I also wonder if it was just a competitor who reported my item.
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Old 04-30-2012
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I honestly think it's a competitor that's doing it to you. I've sold perfumes before (legit) and had idiot buyers say they were ⊗⊗⊗⊗ and leave neg feedback, when they sent them back they weren't even opened, so I know for a fact they were probably other sellers doing it to me. Perfumes is a tough area, I won't ever go back there again.
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