I can do you half price postage 1st class - low value items only - also can sort airmail from UK.
Only for peeps in London and daily bulk so its worth my while - imagine the savings.
Ideally you will have to meet one of my 'skivvies' and deal with them to pay weekly in cash as I am invisible
PM me if interested with phone number and one of my boys will call you and work it from there.
If you dont wanna meet then postage labels can be sent to an address next day delivery and they must be used within 2-4 days.... asap ideally. Let us know the weight etc. and our buddies in rm will send you correct postage which will scan through their machines no problems - half price only through me/us..... no one offers this except moi
If interested we will need to have a bit of a chat to get things sorted, but once all sorted - its easy as.
Last edited by Alps_a somewhatlegend; 09-08-2011 at 10:39 AM.