Selling limit on 2009 Ebay buyer account
Hi guys,
It been a while since I sold on Ebay and as always lots have changed.
Ive knocked up a stealth account and it only has a monthly selling limit of 25 items. Last time I did this, I linked to Paypal and was given a monthly selling limit of 100.
Now, I am about to buy a 2009 Ebay buyer account (i dont think it has any history of buying or browsing history on it - probably just created in 2009 and then sat dormant).
Question is, has anybody any experience of turning an aged dormant ebay account into a selling account? Does it as well get slapped with a 25 monthly limit or will there be a possibility of it getting a 100 limit because of its age?? Or are all selling accounts now restricted to 25 items a month?
Thanks in advance.