Originally Posted by mynameis How is this possible, is it because a direct debit was set up with PayPal? How can the money once withdrawn into a bank account, be reversed back to paypal? | Giving them the DD mandate allows them access to your bank account.
Simple solution when UK users have issues with paypal is to cancel this mandate.
It is IMPERATIVE that anyone take action as soon as they perceive issues with paypal.
Procedure is to contact the bank. Get the name of the person you speak to at the bank. Instruct the bank that you withdraw the DD mandate. Just state I withdraw my permission for paypal to touch my account.
Some banks may cancel all DDs. Check with them regarding that.
It is also better to know that banks do these cancellations but allow several days to make them fully effective.
Make sure before you finish the conversation that the bank KNOWS you have withdrawn your permission for paypal to access your account. Tell them you will not be responsible for any overdrawn fees that could occur.
Get the bank to confirm this in writing either by email or letter as well.
This is how I treat paypal in the UK. You have the right as a customer to do this.
Amen |