Paypal account negative :s will they take money from bank account? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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UK PayPal Talk General issues related to UK Paypal

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Old 09-18-2008
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Unhappy Paypal account negative :s will they take money from bank account?

Hi my paypal account is in negative because of a dispute with a buyer and he won the case, then paypal charged £150 on top for refunding the buyer or something, so now my account is in £400 negative. Does that mean they will take £400 automatically from my bank account? Or they waiting on me to top the paypal account up?

What if i dont do anything? Because i tried to close the paypal account but u cant do that if your in negative.. so is it a good option to just leave it as it is? Because the paypal account is connected to my main bank account and i cant close that bank account what soever!

Can my bank do anything so that if paypal try taking money from my account theyl stop it?

Please help!+
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Old 09-18-2008
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If you dont settle it paypal will contact the address and name you registered the account with stating it needs to be settled or they will proceed with court action.

You're going to have to settle it if its in your legit name and address etc
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Old 09-19-2008
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Paypal is not in my legitamate name or address at all, the information i used on paypal were ALL ⊗⊗⊗⊗ details apart from my bank details, but I didnt give my real name for bank details obviously. So Modee you say they will go to extreme measures, how are they going to do that when Ive given details of an addrss milions of miles awy from me!

Also i just call my bank up and told them to cancel the instruction given to paypal that they have the authority to take money from my account, so if paypal attempt to take money from my account they cant, they will ahve tocontact me telling me to set up another instruction for them to take the money, which im obviosly not gointo do.

So i think im fine now, im not going to open that paypal account EVER!!
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