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VeRO Verified Rights Owner discussions

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Old 08-02-2013
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Default Confused about Vero items?

I know that this has been beat to death but I remember last year that the air yeezy shoe came out. There was guys on ebay have a pyramid (bulk) of shoe selling it.

I even sold 3 pair myself with pictures of everything & even the receipt because it was a hot item.

Is it true from what I seen that if you have pictures of the actual item does it really matter?

Only reason why I asked this because the items through the suppliers I use could be considered a high risk (not ⊗⊗⊗⊗). You would think a nike shoe like that will throw up some red flags. Some guys had a copy and paste picture and wss still selling.
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Old 08-02-2013
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Pictures and receipts HELP but nothing is 100% with eB. N*ke can report you - rival sellers can report you - your own friend could report you...and eB may listen and pull listings.

It is a red flag but some people are good with beating the system (even if only for a while).
Old 08-02-2013
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Yea I'm not trying to go ape sh*t with it, sounds like the best way is my own website, but I work my way to that. Thats true about the sellers remember in college my teacher was selling 5 ps3 on Eb when it first came out & was getting all types of messages from others seller hating. Still sold them though.
Old 08-02-2013
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There are some tricks to getting away with selling certain items. Nobody is going to tell you what their trick is, but if you analyze their listings, you will usually find something they have in common. That's the best hint I can give you, otherwise, they're just getting lucky.

I used to sell a lot of vero stuff, I now no longer have to, and there used to be one small thing that I would do to get past the vero take-downs. I'd even have members messaging me offering to pay me a fee to let them know how to sell it, but I am not in the business of giving up vero secrets.

Trial and error and think like they do, and ask yourself, if you were tyring to find vero items to take down, what would make it harder for you?
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Old 08-03-2013
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You had real Yeezys'? I lost a 13 yo acct because I tried to sell a pair of my Jordan IV Spizike's. Worn by me, had receipt. EB didn't care cust . said were replicas before they even got them. They cancelled and I never shipped, issued refund but still got bad FB and EB shut me down indefinitely after over 400 + FB's.

Last edited by joesshooze; 08-03-2013 at 09:50 AM.
Old 08-03-2013
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Originally Posted by unclejohnny View Post
Yea I'm not trying to go ape sh*t with it, sounds like the best way is my own website, but I work my way to that. Thats true about the sellers remember in college my teacher was selling 5 ps3 on Eb when it first came out & was getting all types of messages from others seller hating. Still sold them though.
Do so at your own risk

Keep in mind if it has a brand name, it has an IP owner ( intellectual property) who may be against other parties selling their goods.

Look at Beach Ball, Yuma

Google that infamous law company Johnson & Pham

Make yourself aware.

VeRo is no game

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