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Old 07-22-2011
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Default vero items?

which items are the ones that get your account suspened for listing them when your account is new?
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!

Old 07-22-2011
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you want a whole list, c'mon...there are some too hot to touch items, take a look and see if they are plentiful or scarce on ebay, that will give you a clue.....
Old 07-22-2011
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Anything that comes under VERO - it's well covered - anything VERO - there, that's a full list
Old 07-22-2011
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if you guys don't just say I don't Know
Old 07-22-2011
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Then you need to do A LOT more research before you attempt to sell anything.
Nothing will be just handed to you on a silver platter.
Once you go Mac you will never go back
Old 07-22-2011
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This list is truly in the thousands. Hardly anything is posted on EB and they don't care to tell you either.
Old 07-22-2011
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I never actually said the whole list, I bought Amazon Ghost there is no mention of these items. I know the general guidleine for the ebay products becuase I found out the hardway. If there is no one willing share the info then I have to sell things to find out. and then I will tell you guys to do your research.
Old 07-22-2011
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Look on Wholesale - Buy China Wholesale Products from Chinese Wholesalers on
If they sell it there then it is a VERO item.
Then there are probably 100K more items that are VERO items that are not on dhGate.
Once you go Mac you will never go back
Old 07-22-2011
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FFS, what's with the attitude of newbies?
The guides are to help users get back on each of the selling platforms successfully. Unless I missed the chapter, there is no list of what to list ...

each of the major selling platforms has different criteria for your so described vEro items.

'I' call them foo-foo or phakes. So you will miss big time on any enabling from me.

I'll give you a small hint. Trademarks are potential trouble. Buying from certain online establishments is trouble.

When you get street creds here, you can reburke posters. Until then READ yourself.
VeRO - eBay Suspension & Paypal Limited Forums

try that sub-forum for starters
Old 07-23-2011
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Whats the point of this forum if we can't trade info?
Old 07-23-2011
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we are trading info.. but what you are asking for is like trying to get the numbers for "pi"
its basically infinity, we could go on and on and on and on and on and on.. then on some more and on on top of that
is there something specific you are researching? maybe if you could narrow down the search or something..
Old 07-23-2011
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WHat is boils down to is this:

ANYTHING trademarked or copyrighted can potentially cause you a problem. Some brands try to remove every listing they possibly can. Others don't care.

Generally speaking, the hotter the item, the more likely you will have problems. Designer handbags, DVD box sets, expensive perfumes, expensive watches, etc. will cause problems. Nobody has a complete list.
Old 07-23-2011
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Originally Posted by jeffweico View Post
WHat is boils down to is this:

ANYTHING trademarked or copyrighted can potentially cause you a problem. Some brands try to remove every listing they possibly can. Others don't care.

Generally speaking, the hotter the item, the more likely you will have problems. Designer handbags, DVD box sets, expensive perfumes, expensive watches, etc. will cause problems. Nobody has a complete list.
You basically have to find some type of middle ground in the mix..
in my opinion you dont wanna sell cell phone buttons or iphone cases...
you wont be ever limited/suspended ever.. and you'll be making 5 cents off of each item
you could sell Rosetta Stone/Dr Dre Beats and make 2-500% profit margin but with that comes with a huge risk of account limitations/suspensions by both ebay and paypal...
dont worry not all is bad you may also get a expenses paid vacation trip.. you could have a nice cozy place.... a/c always on, always food on the table and always have buddy named Killer Harry sleeping with you
Old 07-23-2011
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Only there won't be much sleeping going on...
Old 07-23-2011
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Originally Posted by jeffweico View Post
WHat is boils down to is this:

ANYTHING trademarked or copyrighted can potentially cause you a problem. Some brands try to remove every listing they possibly can. Others don't care.

Generally speaking, the hotter the item, the more likely you will have problems. Designer handbags, DVD box sets, expensive perfumes, expensive watches, etc. will cause problems. Nobody has a complete list.
I understand that no one has complete list. just looking for tips to increase my chances of success. thanks
Old 07-23-2011
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Not likely to be forthcoming.

Such is the nature of selling and having competitors.

It's YOUR work that needs to be done.
Old 07-23-2011
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Originally Posted by davevjr View Post
Whats the point of this forum if we can't trade info?
We Do Trade info on this forum,,,the thing is that there are a LOT Of Newcommers to the Forum that Want it all Quick and in their hands ASAP

These Newcommers FAIL To realize the BIG picture,,,In this Case you SIMPLY DO NOT Talk about Helping someone Break the Law,,,Why do you Need this List of VERO Items?,,,so that you can hang the List on the wall and Look at it,,,

That is Not why,,,you want us to tell you what VERO or Phake Items you can get away with selling,,,


So you want the People who Own and Operate This PUBLIC Forum to actively
allow its Members to Share information on how to Break the Law?,,,,Putting themselves at Risk?,,,For you?,,,Who the Hell are you?,,,Did Someone Drop you as a Child?

And Please Spare me the BullSh!& about the "Subscribers or Private" Parts of the Forum because in Reality there are NONE

You Need to learn what this Forum is and IS NOT About,,and Learn How to search it,,,

The awnser you seek is Here,,I Know,,, I wrote it,,, about a Year ago,,,Go back to the Wholesale thread and read my posts,,,,Particularly the Ones that discuss SUPPLY CHAINS and SINGLE STREAM Distributed Items,,

No,,,you WILL NOT get a LIST like you want,,,But a COMPLETE Understanding on it all Works,,,

Good Luck
The 3 Keys to Success are:,,,,Research, Research, and More Research,,,,,
Old 07-23-2011
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I never asked you to teach me how to break the law, I am trying reduce my chances of having my account suspended. since vero items would get my account suspended.

I think someone droped you as a child. Exchange of information is not illegal I can teach build a bomb on here and It wouldn't matter. I .have my own supply chains don't need yours especially since there just some stupid website anyways. maybe you should actually learn a little about trademark law, copyright and business in general before you flame someone who is seeking information.
Old 07-23-2011
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And goodnight thread.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to GreenBean For This Useful Post:
Gman91189 (07-23-2011), GrannyT (07-23-2011), ninjavega (08-14-2011)
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