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Old 01-28-2008
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Originally Posted by ivegotinfo View Post
im too lazy to log into dialup and then wait for each ebay account to load so i just dont answer emails lol. only for people who have paid and i have shipped items i actually answer questions, everyone else i just make my listings as detailed as possible. never had a problem with an item selling too low $$ because of not answering questions yet.
That's quite fascinating. I do find people who ask lots of questions just want to find flaws in my products. Other times I've heard of people asking lots of questions and then later I find out they start selling the same items, but that is very rare.

I do find sometimes for instance someone contacts me to ask a question and either I forgot say to mention the size of the product or once auctiva somehow forgot to include the description of 20 of my listings and they all ended up blank.

A lot of my emails come from people who already won the item and their credit card isn't matching and I try to deal with them fast.

ivegotinfo though I am a bit worried of the people who win and go where is my item. I have avoided giving them shipping details and for people in the USA tracking # after shipping because it takes a bunch of time and secondly ecause I often take several days to ship and if I let buyers know for when I ship slow to them they may be mad at me instead of blaming the post office. What do you recommend?

Also what do I do when people who bid, win, and then don't pay until I answer lots of questions first and challenge me to convince them to pay?
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