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JamesNorth101 01-20-2016 07:10 AM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?
The police are still not going to do anything about it....

GreenBean 01-20-2016 08:04 AM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?

Originally Posted by Princejames1 (Post 739913)
The matter still comes under criminal law, because they are withholding goods and refusing to return them. It doesnt matter what their terms and conditions say.

When you signed up you accted the T&S.

Take legal advice to make sure you can get some resolution.

rfloubo 01-20-2016 03:12 PM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?

Originally Posted by Princejames1 (Post 739910)
OK so if the legal route wont work, how about taking it to the Police?

You talk like there is such thing as 'the police' or 'the courts'. There is 'this police force', 'that police force', 'this judge', 'that judge'. I wouldn't much expect a national standard.

So, if the money is worth it, try it. Maybe the policeman you talk to takes a fancy at you. More than likely they will brush you off, if all they have to gain from you is additional work. If you are persuasive (£££) and you know where the goods are, maybe they tell you how to get a warrant.

jeffweico 01-20-2016 06:11 PM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?
In a small claims court in the US, the rules are more informal than they would be in a regular court and many people represent themselves. Yes, it is also less expensive than filing a regular lawsuit. However, you still need to know what you are doing.

In the case of taking Amazon to court, you would be asking the court for Amazon to release your inventory and your money. Amazon will claim that your inventory is counterfeit and that the agreement you made with them when you became a seller was that they could seize any counterfeit merchandise and confiscate your earning from that merchandise.

And then what?

You have to know how to respond, to claim that the contract between you and Amazon is invalid because it breaks a specific law. You can't just tell the judge "it isn't fair!" - courts are there to decide what is legal, not what is fair. Fairness has nothing to do with it.

You could also try to provide evidence to the court that your merchandise was authentic. If you have receipts from an authorized supplier, then you should prevail. But they will most likely check with the brand owner to make sure that the supplier actually IS authorized and then check with the supplier to make sure that you really ARE their customer. And even then, there are no guarantees.

Amazon has attorneys that are full time Amazon employees. They also have business attorneys on retainer everywhere they do business. It is unlikely that Amazon decided on it's own that they could do this and get away with it. They most likely had several attorneys look at their policy and the steps they take to enforce it and the attorney's signed off on it. That is how corporations work.

And you had better be sure that the merchandise IS authentic, because their attorneys and/or the judge may decide to turn it over to the local prosecutor in your area and a criminal case could be filed against you. Of course, in a criminal case, the rules change a bit, they have to prove that the merchandise was counterfeit and (at least in the US) that you either knew it was counterfeit or that you SHOULD HAVE known it was counterfeit. For example, the prosecutor would try to make the case that a reasonable person should have known that a real Rolex would not wholesale for $125 and would not have "MADE IN CHINA" stamped on the back of it.

And all of that assumes that you are talking about a REAL Amazon account in your REAL NAME with your REAL information. Because I am reasonably certain that Amazon also has a clause in their agreement that favors them heavily if the information given to them is false in any way. It may not break the law to lie to Amazon, but it is definitely against their rules.

The fact that nobody, or few people, have won these cases before has nothing to do with how well "connected" the attorney is. In court, connections only matter when there is a decision that could go either way. Then the judge, who might be a personal friend of the attorney, might be inclined to support them. Because judges have to write opinions in each case they decide explaining their decision. So, they cannot ignore the law just because an attorney is connected to someone in some way. It just does not work like that.

rfloubo 01-21-2016 06:32 AM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?
With all due respect Jeff, you sound like you learned the courts from the telly or school. In theory it is good advice. I'm no expert either and will not give an opinion about US courts. If it works like you say all over the 50 states and with all judges, the US truly is the land of the free. I would have my doubts though.

As for the UK, there are several levels of courts and several tiers of judges which I reckon is similar to the US. But here, even assuming they do things by the book, only the top courts have to write something. They cost top 'dollar' too. County courts, where small claims are heard, do not. Using the written law to base their decisions is optional too. It's more a question of being sympathetic or not.

The power in the connection of the barrister or attorney has nothing to do with friendship or any other sh1t like that. It is rather in allowing them to make the judge accountable (i.e. damage their reputation) if they don't play by the book. Of course they are well aware of this and, generally speaking, litigants in person get treated like the plebes they are.

GreenBean 01-21-2016 06:38 AM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?
Why are you insisting with these assumptions?

Saying with all due respect does not excuse insulting jeff.


BezosCrazos 02-13-2019 10:20 PM

Re: Anyone got a notification of legal action from Amazon?
Someone just Kill Jeff. Plane and simple. This will make many of us feel better

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