Okay I have a question about 6 years ago I over drawn a Wamu account for around $660 and never paid it they eventually closed it and wrote it off. My question is do you think they would approve me for another account and make me pay the $660 kind of scared to try
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
Thanks that's what I figured. Have you heard of this bank I came accossed it today
univestdirect.com you can open an checking account and savings for 1.00 each with no other fees looked pretty good. Id anyone using them or have used them?
Yeah I have a few accounts one at compass and two at bofa I was just wondering if I should try wamu again incase I need to close an account here and there they way if I keep closing acconts at the same bank they might think that is weird and rasie fraud questions so I was just looking for other banks to use, but I should stay away from wamu probably thank you for your help.
I have 3 accounts at WAMU that are over 2 years old. Have never used them for Ebay. Am I to understand that Ebay cannot connect a name with the account #'s? Of course they have my real info on them, accept for I have moved approx. 50 miles away from initial bank used.