So you know how Aliexpress took away their "Quantity" search function? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 09-14-2016
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Default So you know how Aliexpress took away their "Quantity" search function?

So remember this search function? Aliexpress did away with it about a year ago, and I have no idea why. It was the single most useful search function to find wholesale lots with specific amounts of units in. Now your only option really is to search Min Price ---> Max Price and scroll to the 24th page to find a lot size suitable for your budget. This is time consuming and innificient.

I discovered how use the search quanitity function again, but not in traditional form. Here's what you do

1) Search a niche product (I'll use LED Dog Collars as an example)

2) When page loads, In the refine option "Sort by" select "Price: Low to High"

3) After applying Step 2, add this at the of the link: &minQuantity=n&maxQauntity=n

4) Edit the letter "n" to any number you want, so for example &minQuantity=10&maxQauntity=50

5) The link should then look like this:
dog-collar.html?spm=2114.01010208.0.57.DMITmh&initiati ve_id=SB_20160910194824&site=glo&groupsort=1&SortT ype=price_asc&g=y&SearchText=led+dog+collar&minQua ntity=10&maxQauntity=50 (Notice the very end of the link, that's what you must add)

6) Hit enter to search the new modified link address.

7) This will search for lots with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 50 units since that is what you typed in the field, nothing more and nothing less (You can change the numbers to whatever meets your budget or needs)

8) When you selected "Price: Low to High" this will, in addition, provide you with the cheapest seller displayed in search FIRST for a specific sized lot you're searching for.

9) If you want to search say, an exact numbered unit lot, then just make both numbers the same. Example: &minQuantity=100&maxQauntity=100 - This will search for listings only that sell EXACTLY 100 units in their lot.

Guess this is Aliexpress' secret search secret. It's probably a bit of a pain to do that every time, but until Aliexpress realizes they NEED to re-add the Quantity search function again, this is the only solution for now :/

Hope this helped

Last edited by alienbrayn; 09-14-2016 at 10:16 AM.
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