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cizzla7049 11-29-2018 01:33 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Best to seek legal advice and respond to them. Their goal is to sue in hopes that you don't respond and they can get a default judgement. Above is an example. A good lawyer can get you out of this with minimal to no damages.

MM78 11-29-2018 02:09 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by cizzla7049 (Post 961062)

Best to seek legal advice and respond to them. Their goal is to sue in hopes that you don't respond and they can get a default judgement. Above is an example. A good lawyer can get you out of this with minimal to no damages.

Johnson and Pham do sue, they are lawyers after all......here's a negative left for the guy being sued: "the ornaments flew off on the highwau".

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that seller attempted to do stealth but didn't have it down, or never made it to this forum.

GreenBean 11-29-2018 02:49 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by glacier922 (Post 956655)
@nickopedia, so what's a good web host server that just don't give a f***?

Antarctica is pretty cool for not giving a sh*t.
Depends if the crew gets the igloos made before Southern Hemisphere winter.


rsot 11-29-2018 04:59 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by GreenBean (Post 961068)
Antarctica is pretty cool for not giving a sh*t.
Depends if the crew gets the igloos made before Southern Hemisphere winter.


Hah GB :FF:

Loveinu123 06-05-2019 11:38 PM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
I went to flea market happen to buy 10 beachbody piyo
I came across them and did a search on eBay saw they were good sellers. I didn't know much of the product , as I usually sell my bracelets. But I needed money and it seemed a great deal.

The eBay I used was my sons eBay, he lets me use it but never has clue of c what I post.

Received long 17 page letter via email demanding trial.

Someone from the firm actually bought one piyo.

Then received a letter via email and said certified sent v as well questing all this Inf. And 10 days

If I don't respond they will sue (my son)
But its me , my son has no clue at all.

He let me use his account

And I didn't know at all.
I'm on disability
Mentally disabled
Working towards getting away from abusive boyfriend, that's why I used my sons account because boyfriend would always find a way to b take my money.

I have no money

It was 10 piyos at 17.99
I have non left

Idk what to do..

nickopedia 06-06-2019 02:42 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by Loveinu123 (Post 1008591)
I went to flea market happen to buy 10 beachbody piyo
I came across them and did a search on eBay saw they were good sellers. I didn't know much of the product , as I usually sell my bracelets. But I needed money and it seemed a great deal.

The eBay I used was my sons eBay, he lets me use it but never has clue of c what I post.

Received long 17 page letter via email demanding trial.

Someone from the firm actually bought one piyo.

Then received a letter via email and said certified sent v as well questing all this Inf. And 10 days

If I don't respond they will sue (my son)
But its me , my son has no clue at all.

He let me use his account

And I didn't know at all.
I'm on disability
Mentally disabled
Working towards getting away from abusive boyfriend, that's why I used my sons account because boyfriend would always find a way to b take my money.

I have no money

It was 10 piyos at 17.99
I have non left

Idk what to do..

So, you mean to say you got an "Official Certified" email from Johnson & Pham threatening you? :lol:

These clowns are well known for sending threats, you just need to pay attention to what you are doing and DO NOT respond to anything you get from these people. They are hoping you are stupid enough to fall for their tricks to "settle" for some easy money.

These J&P emails are usually lumped in with the Nigerian scams I get frequently.

McLovin69 06-06-2019 11:48 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
Who here has ignored a cease and desist/ ignored a c&d from selling on a stealth account, as no one ever replies to say the outcome (Johnson and palm letters for example) what happened?


nickopedia 06-07-2019 06:18 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
If you do get any warning from them, you probably should stop selling those items.

Just because your accounts are stealth with ⊗⊗⊗⊗ info doesn't mean you can't be found. There is always a trail back to the person who got the money.

two3aight1 06-07-2019 10:07 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
Jesus Christ Johnson and pharm are famous on this forum. Obviously people are going to keep selling questionable products no matter how many times the veterans yell "stop selling phakes!" Why don't we just make an official Johnson and pharm sticky complete with which products they go after and call it a day?

Ebay.slayer 06-07-2019 12:36 PM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by lethalbacon (Post 924787)
It's been posted before, but I can't find anything this specific, so I want to see if I can get some advice.

I sold a bunch of questionably legitimate BMW emblems on eBay. Today I got a certified letter to my business address. It came with a bunch of other letters and packages so I signed for it without thinking, though I'm not terribly confident that refusing it would have been as bulletproof as a lot of people seem to say.

Anyway, letter's from Johnson and Pham, no surprise there. There's two pages requesting things like an accounting of sales and supplier documentation, and then the usual 15 page complaint for damages, which states that an agent bought one of the emblems back in late March and determined it to be ⊗⊗⊗⊗. Nowhere does it state the usual cease and desist, nor does it request a specific monetary value. I never got an email or any other letter to go with it, though I'll be on the lookout now.

Most people say ignore it they won't bother with it. Gross proceeds from sales might have hit four figures, but I doubt it. I'll have to do some math there. The listing has been pulled, and every other listing on my account is 100% legitimate. I've been doing eBay as a legit seller for a long time, and only picked these up for the easy couple bucks. Mistakes were made.

So, what can I expect over the next few weeks?


DAM you yanks sue anyone for anything, hate to be living in =}.

Loveinu123 06-09-2019 02:59 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by nickopedia (Post 1008609)
So, you mean to say you got an "Official Certified" email from Johnson & Pham threatening you? :lol:

These clowns are well known for sending threats, you just need to pay attention to what you are doing and DO NOT respond to anything you get from these people. They are hoping you are stupid enough to fall for their tricks to "settle" for some easy money.

These J&P emails are usually lumped in with the Nigerian scams I get frequently.

Just email of *demand for trial* then a three page letter stating via email Nd certified
But I ask my mother where my son use to live if she has seen any certified letter and she said no.

My mental disorders have intensified :(
I have approved reasonable accommodation to only communicate through email and only soft spoken non aggressive individuals, because any discomfort can trigger my disorders.

So you can't imagine how sick I am.

What scares me is that I did verify that one sale was from the law firm.

I had no choice to be brave pop a xanax earlier than usual and more than my usual dosage to talk to a few lawyers.

More than a few told me to respond but not to admit
Just one lawyer told me laughing to please just throw everything away to the garbage
And live my life. He said he always threatens to sue , but he doesn't.

He said if they did sue me they couldn't get anything cause I'm on disability.

I'm just afraid they will try and hurt my son he has no clue.
I've had his account years and he never gets involved.

Never I have made much money

I did what I've done in the past go to stores, thrift shops, this time flea market I see a product, do a quick eBay search and if I see is selling I buy it.

Based on other sellers, then I try to be the lowest seller
How was I suppose to know?

Still the items are being sold by 100's from others
How was I to know?

Thank you for responding

I'm very scared, if it weren't for my beloved emotional support animal, my little Pitbull who needs me too. I'd admitt myself in the hospital I'm so sick.

Thank you

Loveinu123 06-09-2019 03:23 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
Thank you!!!

I hope I can do it.

One of my disorders is agoraphobia so the fear.. So difficult.

I never ever want anything to do with DVDs.. As Idk what's real or ⊗⊗⊗⊗.

I was going to just close my eBay
But I really wish not to

I was hoping to learn and make it grow . but now I think I'm under the radar being watched and investigated.. And everything seems its ⊗⊗⊗⊗ or wrong to sell

At the same time I'm naturally paranoid.

And when I think rationally . I think why would they waste their time suing me? I didn't even make $300. , why can't they go after the big guys ?

The only thing I'm thankful is that I did get such letter because
It lead me to research lots on counterfeits and replicas

I had no clue

And I want no part in that ever.

Thank you to all whom responded
I actually was able to take a nice deep breath.

Renenutet 08-02-2019 12:34 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by Loveinu123 (Post 1009319)
Thank you!!!

I hope I can do it.

One of my disorders is agoraphobia so the fear.. So difficult.

I never ever want anything to do with DVDs.. As Idk what's real or ⊗⊗⊗⊗.

I was going to just close my eBay
But I really wish not to

I was hoping to learn and make it grow . but now I think I'm under the radar being watched and investigated.. And everything seems its ⊗⊗⊗⊗ or wrong to sell

At the same time I'm naturally paranoid.

And when I think rationally . I think why would they waste their time suing me? I didn't even make $300. , why can't they go after the big guys ?

The only thing I'm thankful is that I did get such letter because
It lead me to research lots on counterfeits and replicas

I had no clue

And I want no part in that ever.

Thank you to all whom responded
I actually was able to take a nice deep breath.

Your account is still up and running? How could it be a real threat if the lawyers didnt report it to ebay and get you shut down? Why not intervene? Sounds fishy to me, they sound like scam artists trying to get someone to pay. If they could verify something like this, eBay should've shut you down too no?

LimitedbyEbay 08-04-2019 05:10 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
Wow, these guys sound like real jerks!

nickopedia 08-04-2019 06:01 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
Of course Johnson and Pham can be jerks. On the other hand, they are during their job and paid by their clients.

Before filing a lawsuit, certain types of pre-lawsuit litigation are usually initiated by the plaintiff. This involves making demands that the party that caused the alleged injury (the defendant) take action to resolve the issue.

The bottom line is if you are doing some activity that is questionable, such as selling phony BMW emblems, for example, you should be worried.

We don't condone breaking the law. If you insist on selling prohibited trademarked items, be prepared to suffer the consequences. It's not that difficult (through discovery) to find out who got the money for those sales. Even if all your info is foo-foo, there is still an auto trail back to the person(s) responsible, or who assisted them.

Learn from mistakes, don't repeat them.

ChristyRod 08-23-2019 05:48 PM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
I have received similar email from Johnson & Pham couple of weeks back. I choose not to reply to them. I was wondering did anyone here also choose not to reply anything to them and came out from their scare tactics.

Walkin22 08-29-2019 03:21 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
About a month ago I got a certified letter from johnson pham threatening to file a lawsuit (which looked to already be typed up cause its what was included in the 20 pages they sent).

They said they had bought an item of mine during an investigation and it was inauthentic. They are threatening suing on behalf of their client if i dont give them all my sales history, purchase history, never sell their clients stuff, send them all the remaining goods i have left and pay an amount they will determine after they see the info they demanded.

They say i sold around 15k of this particular item and want the info above.

I am ok with giving them all the info and the few items left and realize they will want money at the end but if i refuse to pay because it is too high what is the likelihood they will file suit in California? I am in a different state. Thank you

Also anybody with past experience with them please chime in.

rsot 08-29-2019 06:34 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread

Originally Posted by Walkin22 (Post 1030333)
About a month ago I got a certified letter from johnson pham threatening to file a lawsuit (which looked to already be typed up cause its what was included in the 20 pages they sent).

They said they had bought an item of mine during an investigation and it was inauthentic. They are threatening suing on behalf of their client if i dont give them all my sales history, purchase history, never sell their clients stuff, send them all the remaining goods i have left and pay an amount they will determine after they see the info they demanded.

They say i sold around 15k of this particular item and want the info above.

I am ok with giving them all the info and the few items left and realize they will want money at the end but if i refuse to pay because it is too high what is the likelihood they will file suit in California? I am in a different state. Thank you

Also anybody with past experience with them please chime in.

Welcome to the forum - all the best as you master stealth :thumb:

Rocky264 09-17-2019 10:01 AM

Re: Just another Johnson and Pham thread
I have first hand experience with these *******ss. Whoever says "ignore them" doesn't have a single clue. Nearly 4 years ago I was selling trademark products on EB and got a cease and decease email from them. I didn't respond, thinking it would go away and boy was I wrong.

Several weeks later they shut down my EB and PP accounts and all my information were sent to the J&P firm. They kept calling me on the phone so I decided to man up and have a conversation with them. I told them I will not be able to pay them a dime. A month later they sent me a certified mail, and shortly after I was served with a lawsuit.

The case went into "default" since I never showed up to court and the lawsuit increased to $125,000.00. I walked away from it all without paying them a penny by filing a chapter 7.

My first advice is that selling counterfeit/unauthorized products will eventually have consequences. All it takes is for them to purchase the suspected product from you via their undercover buyers and get your item into their hands.

My second advice is, if you fall into their trap, the best resolution is to get your attorney involved, though it may end up costing you a lot of money and a long time going back and forth. If you cannot afford an attorney, then choose the "settlement" option but negotiate with them for as long as you can to reduce the settlement fee.

If none of the above options work out for you, then file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to protect you from these leeches. Granted your credit score will suffer for a few years but you'll get to keep what you have.

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