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Old 04-10-2011
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Default General Ebay question....

Just a quicki

This has nothing to do ith stealth etc.

Just want to know can you use the same number to verify 2 different ebay accounts? I have my home line number as my ebay contact/verify number.
My mum wanted to join ebay but when trying to verify using the same home line number she couldn't, she just kept getting the same red alert come up "can not verify this number" Ive tried many diff numbers ,NO GOOD!
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Old 04-10-2011
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get gvoice
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Old 04-10-2011
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Your number may have been used to verify too many accounts in the past that may have different info or are high risk. eBay stops allowing verification through certain numbers.

It is 100% possible to verify two accounts with the same number if they have same, similar or even different details. It doesn't mater. But looks like because eBay is no longer allowing verification through that number you should use your mobile phone number or the number of someone you know. You could also use VOIP, but that is not usually free like the other two I mentioned.
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Originally Posted by ShadyOne View Post
Your number may have been used to verify too many accounts in the past that may have different info or are high risk. eBay stops allowing verification through certain numbers.

It is 100% possible to verify two accounts with the same number if they have same, similar or even different details. It doesn't mater. But looks like because eBay is no longer allowing verification through that number you should use your mobile phone number or the number of someone you know. You could also use VOIP, but that is not usually free like the other two I mentioned.

Thanx thats probably it then! I used my GFs num and it worked right away! but gona be neededing to make many stealth accs. I do have a old orange mobile hanging around and online I can buy 20 activated orange sims for £2.50 so think that maybe an answer??
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Old 04-11-2011
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Thanx thats probably it then! I used my GFs num and it worked right away! but gona be neededing to make many stealth accs. I do have a old orange mobile hanging around and online I can buy 20 activated orange sims for £2.50 so think that maybe an answer??
Good news that!. I know what you are thinking though, 10 new accounts with the same number are all going to be linked so you need a solution.

The one thing you should know first is the problem you are facing, eBay may try to phone you about your account or just to verify the phone number again further down the line once your account is up an running. So if you have 10 different numbers for 10 different accounts, it may be hard to keep track of which is which and still have them all active.

Some people just accept this and continue to list even though they no longer have access to their registered phone number as sometimes you can get away with it and eBay just say somethine like update your phone number etc!

If this is you then just carry on with what you are doing, using GF's number, friends, family, old mobile phones, cheap phones and lots of sim cards. It works well!

But if you make some fairly good ££££ on eBay then you should look at VOIP because you can basically purchase land line numbers for say £2 rental a month each and keep them active for each eBay account!

What you then do with all your land line number is, when somebody rings them (eBay ) you simply have the call forwarded to ONE mobile phone
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