Stealth Questions
I do plan to get the stealth guide but I just wanted some answers first:
1. Do I need a new debit card for my paypal? If so can the debit card be in my name? Because I wouldn't know how to go about getting a debit card in someone elses name as surely thats illegal..
2. The address I use on my stealth ebay.. does it have to exist or is it just a completely made up place?
3. Often from selling in the past ebay/paypal have asked me to provide them with more information on my business. They ask for passport/driving licence, bank statement etc. What happens if this does happen? And has any of you been able to get past this?
4. Did you buy a new phone just to get a new phone number?
5. How many stealth accounts do you have? And if you start an account from scratch with 0 feedback isn't it hard to get started as I know eBay don't like new sellers selling in bulk and you also get really bad monthly allowances and you can only ask for an upgrade in allowance every month?
6. How long does the average stealth account last before ebay find out or request you to send them identity etc?
Anyone with any help or good advice would be great, thanks!