Selling limitation with 866-Number and 10 Digit Security Code - What is this? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 02-23-2011
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Default Selling limitation with 866-Number and 10 Digit Security Code - What is this?

I accidentally linked my friends real account with a stealth account of mine.

I'm encountering a new kind of error when I go to sell which tells me that to verify my info I need to call a 866-xxx-xxxx number and enter a 10 Digit "Security Code."

When you call the number, you are prompted to enter a 4 digit PIN which you don't have because you were given a 10 Digit Security Code and not a PIN, and then you sit on hold for about 2 hours.

I haven't actually spoken to anyone at eB@y about this yet, I just hang up and back out of the account. The account is legit, but has been linked to a banned stealth account via flash cookies (I knew what I did as soon as it happened )

Any idea what kind of verification process is needed once I get someone on the phone? Can I go to the answer center and get a 4 digit pin and would it achieve the same results?

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Old 02-23-2011
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I called many times to that number for almost all of my new stealth accounts and they will ask you this:
1st: account ID
2nd: your name (registered on the account) maybe the address or the DOB
3rd: two options: they will ask 3 random question related with your info in the account.
it could be: county where you lived before, area code of your number, any street close to the registered address, etc.
Questions are very tricky. Most of the time is not of the above.
If they don't ask you the questions. You will have to send a government I.D and proof of address to restore the account.

good luck
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