I got suspended...sigh PLEASE READ, NEED ADVICE - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards eBay.com.

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Old 04-25-2007
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Default I got suspended...sigh PLEASE READ, NEED ADVICE

I've been selling on eBay for about a month. A few weeks ago, my auctions (I was selling ebooks) were suspended because of a copyright violation, which I was unaware of. The item in question was included in a group of ebooks that I was selling together.
<p> After I received this, I removed the copyrighted material and all of the references to it from my auctions, and relisted the items. Well, I logged on today, and my account was suspended! The rights owner of the item I had mistakenly listed reported me again, even though I wasn't violating any copyrights, and I got suspended!
<p> Right now, I'm perusing the email addresses of dormant ebay accounts I have, to see if those are good, which they seem to be so far. I don't want to open an entirely new account right now, since I don't have enough money to purchase a virtual visa card, and the other accounts have enough feedback to open a store, sell items at a fixed price, etc.
<p> On one of these email addresses linked to a dormant nonsuspended account (which is linked to my current paypal account that has multiple email addresses), I have emails from eBay notifying me that I made payments to my balance via paypal (which were made for the newly suspended account).
<p> Does this mean that my paypal account has been linked, and that I should get a new one alltogether?
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