I don't know of any maximum. I can tell you more than one or two cheap selling items is probably all you can do as a new ebay seller. I'd wait till the account was 30 days old though to start listing items. Also if you list too many items without any positive feedback they might suspend you too. Take it slow and easy!
For new EBAY Seller, how many items can be listed per day maximum?
And how many items can be kept in EBAY maximum?
IS there any limited for new EBAY SELLER
I just don't want to be suspended again by EBAY
So that's why I ask the question. Thanks!
For a new eBay seller it's probably best to limit your auctions the first week to around 5-10 a day. After that I've found listing less then 100 auctions a day was okay.
For a new eBay seller it's probably best to limit your auctions the first week to around 5-10 a day. After that I've found listing less then 100 auctions a day was okay.
I registered on EBAY at the end of May, it almost one month. Is that ok if I list 10 items per day. Thanks!
I list 2 items per day for 3 consecutive day after creating new account. After the 3rd day, Ebay imposes the limit and I can not list anything after that.You will have to wait for 1 month, I suggest, before listing a lot.
They are watching new accounts very carefully. Let's play an innocent game here and it pays off.
Yes, What you list is what is going to "trigger" some of Ebays systems.
What I do when I start selling on a new account is - I dont sell.
I build up the feedback first and then I slowly bring in low price items and slowly let the prices creep up to higher value items.
This lets ebay think you are a "success" and are building a business using them as the platform. Key - Make them believe in you and you should have no problems.
I do understand that most here just want to get back on and rip roar there way to selling again but unfortunately those days have past us by. Now Patience is the key to getting your sales back up.
@Feebay Balling
How do you build up your feedback though?
Does this mean we have to buy legitimate items in order to increase our feedback?
This may take months to create a seller account of good standing and for buyers t trust you enough to buy items?
You cannot buy OR sell cheap 1p 1c listings as they will suspend you indefinately for "abusing ebay"
There must be a quick fast easy way of doing this, a few months ago you could get away with buying these 1p 1c listings without ebay noticing.
I have tried buying fb on one acc (got suspended AFTER 30 days for abusing ebay) and selling 4 1p listings even got me banned on a new acc?
Buy little real items, lets say like coin collection or stamp collecting. You can find those sorts of items for under $2 each. Do it over a course of 30 days or so (10-12 items)