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eBay Tracking General discussions on eBay tracking, account linking, IP address, user accounts and more.

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Old 06-14-2020
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Default Dongle Or IP Burger

Could you experienced people please advise on whether I should get a dongle for each stealth account, or would IP Burger work and allow me to have a different ip better.

Really unsure what to choose.

For my 3 different stealths, If I had 3 laptops for each stealth and a dongle for each account would that be ok or would ebay and paypal be able to see the three dongles were all located at the same address?
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Old 06-17-2020
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Default Re: Dongle Or IP Burger

Originally Posted by Londonerye View Post
Could you experienced people please advise on whether I should get a dongle for each stealth account, or would IP Burger work and allow me to have a different ip better.

Really unsure what to choose.

For my 3 different stealths, If I had 3 laptops for each stealth and a dongle for each account would that be ok or would ebay and paypal be able to see the three dongles were all located at the same address?
AFAIK Ip Burger will not keep generating a new IP address each time you use it.
You’ll need a different IP address for each ebay/ppal account you have and need to set up a user account on your pc for each one.

I know the more experienced members might be using virtual machines but I’ve no experience on that so can’t advise you

I’m using an old 3G usb dongle which generates a new IP address each time you connect/disconnect but I’m looking at the new mifi dongle tin soldier told me
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Old 06-17-2020
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Default Re: Dongle Or IP Burger

With IP BURGER you should buy 3 diff subscriptions to have 3 diff ips, since with only one VPN subscription you get 1 Static IP.

Get a dongle.

would ebay and paypal be able to see the three dongles were all located at the same address?

No, they cant know that.
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