I have 4 ebay accounts going, 2 with 500+ feedback and 2 with less than 100 feedback. My daughter bought me a new desktop, is it alright to login the new computer to the accounts. Wondering if I have to move any cookies or flash files over? IF not, anyone had success using a new computer for the accounts.
Thanks all
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depends whether you are actively selling items.
If you want to use only for buying then i dont think it should be prob, but i guess ebay will place an automated call to your landline in order to verify that ITS YOU and not an unauthoized person. But I think dont do it too often.
Stick to one computer, and do not use any other ebay accounts from that. Its one thing I learned from many years :P
My old laptop where I created my eBay Stealth accounts has finally given up on me, so I had to log in on another laptop (of course after creating separate window user on it) via dial up because I had to renew my expired Auctiva token. I received message from Ebay that they didn't recognize this computer and I had to verify my identity by receiving/entering Ebay pin ..But I could chose between option of them calling me or sending the PIN in email...I selected email.
I am not sure if this is necessary, but you might want to do each account on a different day and time. Of course, all of the other stealth rules would apply.
Yes, makes sense. I had to log in only because of new Auctiva token, so there is no worry as my tokens expire at different times on different accounts.