As soon as I open my accounts, I list straight away. 2 items on average a day until the message comes up saying I have reached my selling limit.
Some new accounts, I just hammer it and list away upto about 90 items (within a few days) and the message comes and I stop.
Some account get a 10 selling limit, others 100.
Some have the 21 day hold on pp, others do not.
I do not recommend doing what I do unless you dont really care like me and have many many backup plans/ideas.
I sell cheap 1-2 pound items like magazines, books and boring stuff like that - maybe thats why it seems to work for me.
I joined here in feb with nothing - no bank acc., no pp or eb.
I now have 10 accounts all running ok (only small hickups).
Play things depending on your situation and depending on if you have backup plans if it goes wrong coz the last thing anyone needs is no money coming in!
Oh.... just to say... if anyone feels bad that they got a crappy 10 selling limit on there eb, dont feel bad. Think of me and my account of 10 selling limit. As mentioned, I sell mostly 1 pound items - so IF all 10 sell in a month, that a big £10 I get a month (minus fees etc.) - wow..... what shall I buy!