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Old 07-12-2012
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Default am i linked?

before the lecture begins, believe you me i waited months and months and months of reading and reading and researching and researching before going stealth, so believe me this was a one-off error, caused by extreme tiredness coupled with (the fault of someone else) distraction.

situ: legit ebay account (lets call eb acct A) suspended from selling only, still use regularly for buying. log into this acct on pc user acct A.
stealth ebay account (lets call eb acct B) just up and running a month, using to sell. log into this acct on pc user acct B.

by mistake, while in pc user acct B, logged into eb acct A.
signed out instantly, maybe logged on for max 10 seconds.

The IP was different: I had been logged into user acct A on pc to use eb acct A, then changed the IP, logged into pc user acct B, but like I said instead of signing into eb acct b on user acct b, I signed (back in, remember i'd been signed into eb acct A just a few mins prior to this, BUT with different IP, AND on diff pc user acct A) into eb acct A on this pc user acct b, for a matter of seconds.

Thank god I had changed the IP's PRIOR to logging in, otherwise the IPs would be linked. but as it stands, what's my situ? have logged into neither acct since, will wait on replies before moving forward.
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Old 07-13-2012
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Your not really linked. If it happened just once and you didn't really do anything such as "try to list an item", or "withdraw from paypal" you are ok. It's actually happened to many of us but like you we caught it in time and didn't proceed with any major activity.

I would say, the next time you log onto Account B and you list an item, withdraw from paypal and nothing happens (getting suspended or some other ebay warning) then you probably be ok.
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Old 07-13-2012
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^^^ many thanks. after this reply logged into acct b from user acct b, saw a message in my inbox, heart started beating....aaaaaand it was from a member regarding an item i was selling

yes that's right- i think all i did was literally signed in and sat on homepage for those few secs- don't even think i went into watch list or anything let alone listing/withdrawing etc (can't remember, went into panic mode) went "aaaaaahh!!" and desperately signed out lol.

anyway many thanks for putting my mind at rest and needless to say, lesson learned.
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Old 07-13-2012
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No Problem, any time.
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