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Old 11-25-2008
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Default Dial-up VS (PC)User Accounts

Just wondering which you find easier. Using Dial-up to specify a certain IP for each account each time you log on...or using cable/dsl and having different users on your PC that each have their own assigned MAC address and IP. It seems to me the latter would be far more convenient but I have no clue how to set that up. And trust me I have read. I use a Netgear Wireless Cable Modem Gateway CG814GCMR and the problem is I can't get it to let go of this IP and give me a new one. I see alot of people having the same problem. I mean I could probably shut it off for 24 hrs like some suggest(that would probably work) BUT, how practical is that when you've got multiple accounts?(It's not)
I've tried the renew/ release method/ i've tried the unplugging method and I've assigned my self an IP in my routers config page. The only thing that does, is when I type IP config in the command box the IP I assigned IS listed as my IP .BUT.. I go to whatismyip.com and it shows me my WAN IP(which doesn't even show up in the ipconfig command box.) So basically I can't do anything but change my LAN IP(which isn't even seen from the outside world in my case) and I'm convinced there is no way of changing my WAN IP at will, other than asking my ISP. I've read about changing your MAC(aka physical address) to get a new IP and I've been all through my routers config page and can't find how to do that.
The closest I get is creating a DHCP Reservation Lease but it doesn't change anything but my LAN IP. What should I do to make the Multiple User Account technique possible? Should I switch ISP's, get a new router or modem(Is what I have a router/modem combo..or do I not even have a router?) Am I missing something? Or should I just start with dial-up?What are you using to make things easy for you? PLEEEEEEASE HELP!?

Last edited by marketscope; 11-25-2008 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 11-25-2008
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I am amazed everyday by people.
They take a problem with a simple solution and make it into rocket science.
Simple amazing......
Once you go Mac you will never go back
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Old 11-25-2008
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Man, your making it too complicated!

Simply create new windows account for each eBay account and use aol dial up to log into each account.
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Old 11-25-2008
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I like to make my decisions in a calculated manner, and research everything before I start something. I've read other posts on here saying you can use Cable or DSL, you just have to create/assign new mac addresses via your router's config page and assign an IP for each mac address(think it's called mac spoofing but im new to this so..not sure) . Then you can use a different mac addy for each user name on your computer and not have to worry about cookies or IP's at all anymore. All the while enjoying the convenience and fast speeds of Cable/DSL.
THAT is really what I would like to learn to do with my setup if possible(which has been stated is). If anyone who knows something about this would advise me with a few tips or pointers, that would be great!!
If misunderstood and it IS absolutely necessary for me to use dial up, I guess I could surf the web on cable and use dial up for ebay.
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Old 11-25-2008
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If you choose the above method then you'll be able to start today. I use dialyp for eBay and use DSL for web surfing. Just follow the advice given and you'll be safe and will be on your way without any hassles.
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Old 11-25-2008
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Thank You John that will definitely do for now,your right. Is there a reason you use AOL over the other dial ups? pro's and cons?
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Old 11-25-2008
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With AOL you get a new ip address every time you log on to AOL. There are millions of AOL users so eBay doesnt mind if you log in with a new ip every time.
The bad part is that it is a bit slow but I don't mind that because it gets the job done!
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Old 11-25-2008
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Once again thanks much. makes sense.
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Old 11-25-2008
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Not a problem. Glad to help out.
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