Hello from a newbie
I am a newbie to these forums, from the USA. I used to do decent selling books on Amazon a decade ago.
Then I started selling on ebay. I had only been doing ebay a short time when I suddenly became very ill and was hospitalized. I was incapacitated for several weeks.
When I finally was discharged and got enough physical strength to get to my computer, I had a big mess. I lost my Amazon seller's account very quickly and was not able to get it back. In fact, as I recall, it was closed before I was even back on my feet.
I fought for my ebay account. I had several complaints against me. In every case I contacted the buyer, reimbursed or sent the item depending on their request. All of the negatives were removed except for one buyer who would not remove the negative.
As this buyer refused to remove the complaint, I wasn't able to get my account back.
It has been about 9 years since this happened. I would like to start selling again, starting with Amazon FBA. I am paranoid about fulfilling orders personally, as I have no one to back me up in an emergency. But, with FBA, I think I would be fine.
I bought the Amazon Ghost book, but I am not able to read it because I use chromebook and cannot open it. I tried downloading it onto my phone and reading it there, but all I get is gibberish. I'm not sure if anyone can help me access it or not. Thanks!