debit card on paypal account about to expire: what will happen
I have a US Paypal account with a US Bank account and Debit Card attached on it. The Debit Card is about to expire....I dont have access to the US Bank account anymore, cant get another debit card from this Bank account. What is the best way to go?
Can i keep the same Bank account attached to the Paypal acc and try to attach a VCC? Will this work?
Will this has to be done before the current card expires or if it expires is too late? Will i be able to accept payments and withdraw money with Paypal debit card even if the curent US Debit card expires? .... or immediatelly after expiration date Paypal will block my acount?
Any update on best working with Paypal VCCs is well accepted.
I heard about Virtual US Bank accounts available with VCC attached....has anyone tested if they work with Paypal? are they any good? Any particular suggestions?
I would like to hear from all of you that can help and especially from ASPKIN as he was very helpful till now.
Thank you all!!
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In my experience, unless you do something that requires PP to process a transaction that MANDATES the debit card, you can just let it ride. The card expires but stays in the PP record. As long as PP never needs to charge a debit against it, no harm and no foul.
This is confusing. What is the exact card that is expiring? Is it a debit card with the bank account that is attached to a paypal account or is it the paypal debit card. They are different, obviously.
if it a card from your bank account you should get notice from paypal about the expiry. Either use a vcc or just leave it
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Yeah. It took me a minute to sort it out, too. It's the bank debit card apparently used to confirm the address and possibly lift the limit way back when.