Ways to Withdraw or Get "It Out"
So Im a little familiar with Paypal, their holds, limitations and so on.
Ive brainstormed ways to get cash out of accounts before. Now I have one product I can sell on eBay and through other places with a large markup. Im going to purchase the new updated guides, a batch of eBay/PP accounts and see what can be done. Some of my information as of now may be dated.
I have ways to get good IP. I have good product source for this 1 product. My issue would be withdrawing or getting to cash.
Sending to personal PP could result in a ban-hammer once linked Ive read. Im seeking alternatives.
I see theres places that can get exchange for BTC, but Ive read some nightmare stuff on Paypal->BTC. A BTC route would be cool if there is one thats easy enough.
Is there a non-flagged product I can alternatively buy to mailforwarding addresses that would be easily exchangeable for cash? I would lose some on fees and so on Im sure. Im thinking:
-Apple products (90% retail possible)
-Gift Cards (For everyday purchases and so on)
-Bullion (For stored value)
Perhaps you all know some better way. I know the multiple banking route, but would rather avoid it. Ill use my bank accounts for selling things other than this single product.