SSN Verified Paypal and ID Verified Ebay question - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 12-30-2009
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Default SSN Verified Paypal and ID Verified Ebay question

A family member is allowing me to use their personal information to open a new paypal and ebay account.
My question is this - assuming she allows me to use her SSN number should I just use it right off the bat? Should I get ID verified with Ebay as well?
Will taking those steps in advance make these accounts less likely to get limited/suspended?
She's an older lady who is not computer savvy so chances of her using ebay or paypal in the future are slim. Despite this Im very hesitant to use her info on the offchance the accounts get limited and she is unable to use her info in the future if she DID want to do so. Unless the benefits totally make it worth it I dont know that I should go for it even if she permits it.
Any thoughts on this would be welcome.
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Old 01-02-2010
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Still waiting anyone's thoughts on this... would appreciate it.
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Old 01-02-2010
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Sighs. I guess people are partying. And no, nothing stops paypal from limiting accounts. Chances can be reduced but that possibility is there

How serious a seller are you? Might you ever become a powerseller? Nice you have permission to use the relative's info. Maybe other options you could consider. I'll tell you when you reply.
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Old 01-02-2010
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I wouldn't give them the SSN until they ask for it. In my experiences, as long as you don't go crazy on that PayPal account they won't ask for it. Start slow with that account and keep it around $100-$300/wk. After a month or two, you should be safe to go ahead and run it up to $1000.00/wk. If you have 4 or 5 accounts then you can make a real good living like this and still keep it under the radar.
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Old 01-02-2010
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Ok then its as I thought.
I dont plan on becoming a powerseller.
I just use 10 accounts and list one item per week per account. I find this works fairly well for me and with the items I sell the amounts do add up. I always have at least 5 accounts sitting as backup in case of limitations/suspensions.
Just thought that if I could get one with full legit info I could go higher on sales volume with that specific one.
But from what Im hearing here its not realy worth it - on the offchance that she might want to use her info someday.
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