21 day hold. 1 dropped from FB but when will others?? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 02-16-2010
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Default 21 day hold. 1 dropped from FB but when will others??

Just from the people on here's experiences, how long does it seem to take on these 21 day holds. I know they come off earlier but how early. I had one drop today when someone gave me feedback but I dont want to bug everyone for feedback that I know delivered today. I will if I have to though. lol.

does the Paypal Computer update like overnight on the delivered packages or something as well? just curious as to others experiences on this. THanks
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Old 02-16-2010
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They come off when you recieve feedback or if you have tracking in paypal it will come automatically 3 days after it was delivered or you can call them and maybe get it sooner if it shows delivered.
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Old 02-16-2010
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Yea from my experience getting positive feedback is the best way to get the funds released and I usually tell the buyer to leave it if they are happy with the transaction but it seems either way if you ask them do to leave it, do prompt shipping, give them a good deal, and ask them to leave fb they either take thier sweet time or don't leave any. I even tried to leave it first but if I don't get it first I don't leave it. It should be a part of the transaction before they do anymore but it's a buyers world.

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Old 02-17-2010
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As the previous mentioned, your holds will drop off (almost immediately) after your customers leave you positive feedback. If you use Paypal for shipping or if you update your PP records with tracking info, PP will release the funds 3 days after the product shows delivered.

You asked when their computers update. It's instantly after your customer leaves feedback. Not so much at a certain time, like midnight. For instance, I have a new PP account under the holds until my Ebay seller feedback get to 20. A customer, today, purchased an item and for some reason left immediate good feedback. His funds were released within minutes after he left the feedback.

Get to your 20 seller feedback and that hold should be removed, leaving you access to your funds immediately after customer payment.
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Old 02-17-2010
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Also make sure the 20 dsr is from the same category, if you get 20 dsr and sell something in a different category they may still put a hold on it.
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Old 07-31-2011
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Originally Posted by jbluntz View Post
They come off when you recieve feedback or if you have tracking in paypal it will come automatically 3 days after it was delivered or you can call them and maybe get it sooner if it shows delivered.
I always print shipping labels via PayPal, so does this mean these payments will be released automatically after 3 days?
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Old 07-31-2011
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I haven't had any holds in awhile but yeah that's how it used to work most of the time, sometimes you would have to call them up.
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Old 07-31-2011
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Me either, Its been a while here too. I remember them coming off within a day of feedback being posted. If not then usually a day or so after the delivery conf. showed delivered. I havent had to call but I have heard plenty of others that have had to.
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Old 08-01-2011
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Originally Posted by fingerblast View Post
I always print shipping labels via PayPal, so does this mean these payments will be released automatically after 3 days?
Definitely not. An account I was working on earlier this year never worked properly. I had to call to release the money EVERY day since I was selling and shipping items constantly.

Only time it worked smoothly was when someone actually got off their lazy a*s and left me feedback.
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Old 08-01-2011
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My previous real account, when it had the 21 days hold, it would get released after buyer left positive or after 21 days. Never " 3 days after it was delivered " , even thou I created a shipping label with Paypal.

At that time I dindn't know you could call in 3 days after delivery, to get the holds released.
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Old 08-01-2011
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The 3 days is what it says on their site or at least used to, everything about holds can already be found on the paypal website.
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Old 08-01-2011
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My 21 day hold's stopped after 1 month on an account with only 1 feedback point...I sold several item's during that time...important steps I took are:

1. Stealth account was set up solidly.
2. I always and I mean always logged in from the same ip address.
3. I shipped Items sold the same day or the next day.
4. I avoided all buyer disputes by being completely transparent with my items ( I even have a no refund policy in my listings)
5. I never ever got greedy and tried to push the limit on how much and how often I sold my item's
6. When I set up the account I called Paypal after about a week for 2 reason's.
a. I wanted Paypal to note my call in number in their system as the number I signed up with.
b. I wanted them to note in my file that there was a live contact with the owner of the account via phone...(they document everything)
7. To avoid limits and I made sure that I managed my risk assessment in their system... You have to understand that paypal uses a computer based algorithm that monitors your account and makes decision based on risk, things like: age of account, refunds, buyer disputes, frequency of fund transfers, usage of account ( I sold and bought on this account because I wanted to have items shipped to the address I used when setting up account so that it would be viewed as a true verified address account ).

They have way too many accounts to monitor them all manually.

If you never give their system a reason to get suspicious. You can sell without-out issues or a SS Number.

(Remember you can only sell up to 20,000 a year now or 1000 items a year in the U.S. without them reporting your activity to the IRS.)

You have got to spread your money out with several accounts and keep track of your numbers.

These are just a few of the things I did... I have kept detailed records of every stealth account I set up and the reasons the account when down.

I think I have it down now.
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Old 08-01-2011
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I have had my paypal account for 3+ years with no issues, no limits, no holds, and then the 21 day hold placed on my account about 2-3 weeks ago . Just got 100% removed recently. It was extremely odd because I sell lower priced items, and nothing really vero related.
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