Why do I need Entropay for PayPal?
Hi guys, I'm new here and decided to join as I want to create a new PayPal account (followed by Ebay) and I'm a little confused . So I created an Entropay account along with a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and address (+ matching e-mail). I get all the new user, IP ad clearing cookies busineness too. So I started creating a new stealth PayPal account. At first I didn't know what to do as to verify it I needed to use a bank account with a sort code and account number and my vcc didn't have that. Later after some searching through this forum I figured that I could use a real account as long as it wasn't used with PayPal/Ebay before. I already had now so that's the one I used to verify (succesfuly). Now I'm stuck do I add my Entropay card now? If so then why? Can't I just use the bank account which verified my PayPal succesfuly?
Thanks in advance