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Old 12-01-2008
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Default Will paypal take money out of my bank account

Ok heres the deal. I sold an item, recieved money via paypal withdrew it to my bank account and every thing was good. The buyer emailed me saying he was going to file a claim. I quickly removed my bank account from paypal because I know how they work. I did not want to close my paypal account because I wanted to see how the claim went and every thing. Well anyways the buyer was refunded the money and now my account is negative. I only removed my bank account. Everything else is ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address, telephone, CC ect. Can they access the money in my bank account?? any help would be appreciated

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Old 12-01-2008
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i dont know if they will attempt to access your account since you removed it, but i do know that that bank account is still in their system
I’m sure. Still, a broken heart is a sign you’ve lived a full life. I pity a man who has never had his heart broken, and despair for a man who has not learned how to get over it ......
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Old 12-01-2008
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Yes they will cause even though removed the bank account Pp will always have that account #

Your next move would be to close out that bank account.
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Old 12-01-2008
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No, once you remove your bank account they can not access it. I have never seen it where PayPal is able to take funds from a bank account after a person removes it.
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Old 12-01-2008
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I never seen it done but i bet if they really really wanted to i bet they could.

Always expect the unexpected with paypal and never let your guard down cause there Dirty,Curput and Liars/Theives.

Last edited by doughboykilla; 12-01-2008 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 12-02-2008
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I think they got sued for that awhile back, but why take the chance. Just go to your bank and tell them you lost your checkbook and you want to close your account and open a new one. There should not be a problem.
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Old 12-10-2008
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When I got suspended I pulled my main account and made my other account the primary with paypal. There was 12.00 in it and I owed at that time 384.00 in fees. I hit remove account through paypal with the good high amount account. They still took the money out of the removed account when they couldn't get fees out of the new account. So now my low account was overdrawn and they still got there fees from the good account. Once they have the info your doomed. Plain and simple........
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Old 01-08-2009
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Paypal refunds your buyer their money if the dispute goes in their favor - but if you had no money in your paypal account at that time the money comes out of paypal's pocket and then they ask you to pay your negative balance which means now you need to pay paypal to reimburse them for helping "you" (wtf lol) - they paid your customer but now you need to pay paypal - if you didnt click the add funds or pay now button then no money is taken from your bank - period!
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Old 01-08-2009
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Originally Posted by NO ID View Post
Paypal refunds your buyer their money if the dispute goes in their favor - but if you had no money in your paypal account at that time the money comes out of paypal's pocket and then they ask you to pay your negative balance which means now you need to pay paypal to reimburse them for helping "you" (wtf lol) - they paid your customer but now you need to pay paypal - if you didnt click the add funds or pay now button then no money is taken from your bank - period!
Not entirely accurate. Payapl isn't a charity, they aren't going to pay a buyer "out of their pocket" and then attempt to get the money back form the seller. They will first screw the buyer over. If your account is limited and already negative, even if the buyer wins a dispute, paypal will tell them "We decided in your favor blah blah blah the seller didn't have any money so even though you won you get a refund of $0" Paypals user policy states that they MAY refund the buyers funds AT PAYPALS SOLE DISCRETION, even if the buyer wins the dispute. Buyer and seller protection with paypal are both a complete joke. They aren't paying anybody "out of their own pocket" They will screw either the buyer or the seller, whicherver way benefits them the most and keeps the money in their greedy little hands.
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Old 01-09-2009
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well explained - but i read some where before that paypal will refund the buyers money out of pocket and then you need to pay them back - this is the reason to have a negative balance - its negative because they took money from you that you dont have in the account?? - what happens to the buyer if you dont have money and never pay NEVER? - paypal also has a collection service to try to get their money back but dont know if its legitimate or a scam. - as far as account type goes i have a business account and its now negative and i never paid and i opened up a premier account after they told me i can never have another paypal account - when i call paypal customer service they are not very bright - we know more than them - any way they never took money from my premier account to balance out my negative business account - dont know why and dont care - but i called them again and they always ask which account i am calling about so they know i have two accounts and i have no problems or limitations or disputes and they just never bothered me about anything?? - paypal sucks! - but not this time around for me at least!
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Old 01-09-2009
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Originally Posted by NO ID View Post
well explained - but i read some where before that paypal will refund the buyers money out of pocket and then you need to pay them back - this is the reason to have a negative balance - its negative because they took money from you that you dont have in the account?? - what happens to the buyer if you dont have money and never pay NEVER? - paypal also has a collection service to try to get their money back but dont know if its legitimate or a scam. - as far as account type goes i have a business account and its now negative and i never paid and i opened up a premier account after they told me i can never have another paypal account - when i call paypal customer service they are not very bright - we know more than them - any way they never took money from my premier account to balance out my negative business account - dont know why and dont care - but i called them again and they always ask which account i am calling about so they know i have two accounts and i have no problems or limitations or disputes and they just never bothered me about anything?? - paypal sucks! - but not this time around for me at least!
Have you read the Stealth Book yet? If not I highly suggest you purchase it. It doesn't provide you with EVERYTHING you need to know, but it is a great start and will get you headed in the right direction. The reason I ask is because you said you opened another paypal account and then paypal told you you can't have other accounts because your other is limited. If you follow the "stealth" guidelines, paypal will have no way of linking you to your previous accounts.

Just because your paypal account goes negative does not mean paypal has taken the money from you. Say you have $0 in your account, and a buyer opens a dispute for $100. Your account becomes -$100 as paypal likes to "hold" on to money while they are investigating claims. But since you have no money in your account, they are not actually holding anything. If the case is decided in the buyers favor, sometimes paypal will refund the buyer the money and sometimes they will tell the buyer that even though they won the case the seller didn't have the funds to refund and that paypal will attempt to collect the funds from the seller.

This is when collections comes into play. Like I said, paypal doesn't withdraw money from your bank account to resolve disputes. They will send you emails for a couple of months telling you you need to add funds to your paypal account to resolve the negative balance. Eventually if you don't pay, they will send you to collections.

The question I have for you know becomes is your paypal account made with your real info or not? If it is your real info, you can usually get the debt collectors to back off by telling them they need to prove the debt (which they never can in paypals case) or else cease and desist. Their are much more detailed resources on how to do this that can be found on other sites. But if your account is made using stealth techniques, the name, address, credit card, phone number.... all that stuff is not made with your real info, so the collection agencies will be attempting to collect the debt from a person who does not exist. Haha good luck ever getting those funds paypal

There are other more detailed techniques that can be utilized in this whole process, but they are not things I would post on an open forum. Also one final caveat: I love this site, it has helped me immensely over the past year or so. In addition to the techniques outlined in the Stealth Book and on the forums, I have developed several new ones of my own to help circumvent ebay/paypal and their policies. I have just now decided to start posting because I have learned so much form this forum and want to do my part to give back to it and help others out. But there is a very fine line between fighting paypals illegal practices and screwing the buyer over. If you are doing the later, you will not get any help from me. Although you may get away with it for a while, karma has a way of dealing with scum who does that so they get what they deserve.
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Old 01-09-2009
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it was 1 year ago i opened up the business account and then opened up the premier account 5 months ago using the same real info as with the business account - the only difference between my accounts is the email address and bank i used - i just found out about this stealth system recently

but i'm not the one who needs help - paypal sucks! - but not this time around for me at least!

i was just using my personal experience to offer help to the original poster - this is not about me - but sorry if i confused "anyone" - ...no more input...

Last edited by NO ID; 01-10-2009 at 08:14 AM.
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Old 01-10-2009
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Ahh haha okay. Well good luck to you and to the OP as well!
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Old 01-10-2009
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just close the bank account.
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Old 11-19-2012
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Personally, I am still wondering if you are safe in a situation where you remove the bank account 1, and still have bank account 2 attached.

Can they get money out of bank account 1 or not?

Aspkin said no above. Yet, Savannah said yes.

However, with Savannah's situation, I wonder if it is because she removed the bank account AFTER it was negative.

Maybe they change their tactics when it hits red and keep the info in another place so they can withdrawal if the bank account 2 has no money.
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Old 11-19-2012
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The answer is a definitive no. Once you completely remove the bank account from paypal, you are no longer giving them legal permission to access it. Paypal used to illegally withdraw funds, but were sued. Now they know better and through personal experience have learned that they are not stupid enough to withdraw funds from a removed account. They will just treat a negative paypal account like a defaulted credit card/loan. They will close your paypal account after several months of nonpayment of the negative balance and send you into collections.
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Old 12-04-2012
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Originally Posted by Futuremogul888 View Post
The answer is a definitive no. Once you completely remove the bank account from paypal, you are no longer giving them legal permission to access it. Paypal used to illegally withdraw funds, but were sued. Now they know better and through personal experience have learned that they are not stupid enough to withdraw funds from a removed account. They will just treat a negative paypal account like a defaulted credit card/loan. They will close your paypal account after several months of nonpayment of the negative balance and send you into collections.
Now, that actually makes sense..

Yes, those pesky lawsuits do it everytime.

Thanks a ton for the response, as I just removed a bank account from an account that got limited. Was lucky, as in some cases, you can not remove the bank account.

Was thinking about something odd today.. Remember those "WWJD" bracelets?

What would Jesus do if he had a paypal account?

Now, that threw my head into a tail spin.

I figure, he probably wouldn't have one in the first place, since he is all-knowing. Or maybe he would just get all his money out the day before it got "limited".

Paypal is like the money changers/pharisees in the temple.

They look good on the outside, but are full of an insane amount of greed.

Last edited by arwoodco; 12-04-2012 at 03:50 PM.
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Old 10-22-2017
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Default Re: Will paypal take money out of my bank account

Originally Posted by Futuremogul888 View Post
The answer is a definitive no. Once you completely remove the bank account from paypal, you are no longer giving them legal permission to access it. Paypal used to illegally withdraw funds, but were sued. Now they know better and through personal experience have learned that they are not stupid enough to withdraw funds from a removed account. They will just treat a negative paypal account like a defaulted credit card/loan. They will close your paypal account after several months of nonpayment of the negative balance and send you into collections.

Hello I know this post was from back 2012 but is this still what’s going on in 2017 where PayPal cannot withdraw money from a removed bank account? For fees and such?? Please let me know thanks!
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Old 10-22-2017
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Default Re: Will paypal take money out of my bank account

Best to close down your bank account by going to the bank
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Old 10-22-2017
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Default Re: Will paypal take money out of my bank account

Originally Posted by empirestate View Post
Best to close down your bank account by going to the bank
True that - alternatively, can make the account DEPOSIT ONLY - no withdrawals.
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Old 10-22-2017
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Default Re: Will paypal take money out of my bank account

They can absolutely still withdraw. It has happened to me more then once.
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Old 10-22-2017
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Default Re: Will paypal take money out of my bank account

Although PayPal is not a bank, in banking terms there is a rule called "Right Of Offset". Basically a bank can dip into ANY other account you have with a given bank to recover funds you might owe elsewhere (such as a loan or credit card) for example.

Even if the Right of Setoff rules don't apply to PP, I'm sure there is language in that User Agreement allowing them "Recovery" for whatever funds you owe them. I have not recently heard of them taking money from a bank acct that was previously removed, BUT I have seen this done in the past, as it happened to a friend of mine after he deleted his checking acct, they took it out months later anyway.

If you are that concerned about this happening, it's a simple matter to close that account and open another one.
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