Does a dispute withdrawl money from my Bank account? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 01-03-2009
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Default Does a dispute withdrawl money from my Bank account?

I'm not sure if this was previously discussed, but say someone opens a dispute for $500. If I have only $5 in my PayPal and only $100 in my bank account will that cause an overdraft? Am I correct in thinking that they will only withdrawal the money if the buyer wins the dispute, so I would have time to put money into the account? Having 10 bank accounts with overdrafts could ruin anybody's credit score FAST.
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Old 01-04-2009
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Well paypal will not immediately withdraw the funds from your bank account. You will have some time to put the funds into the bank account. How far is the dispute?
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Old 01-04-2009
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Originally Posted by John14789 View Post
Well paypal will not immediately withdraw the funds from your bank account. You will have some time to put the funds into the bank account. How far is the dispute?
they just filed in yest., so your saying they don't take the money out as soon as a dispute is filed?
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Old 01-04-2009
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they dont ouch your bank account until the dispute is decided in the buyers favor. at that time they will email you a few times to let you know your account negative before attempting to extract from your bank. although for me they never tried to take the money out my bank at all
I’m sure. Still, a broken heart is a sign you’ve lived a full life. I pity a man who has never had his heart broken, and despair for a man who has not learned how to get over it ......
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Old 01-04-2009
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If you know that something wrong is with the product then just transfer funds from your bank account to your Paypal account and refund the buyer. You'll get the negative balance off of your Paypal account and you won't have the tension of Paypal trying to get funds from your account.
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Old 01-08-2009
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Paypal never withdraws money from your bank account without your consent. That would be illegal. If your account goes negative, they will pester you to add money to your paypal account to resolve the dispute. Eventually, they will just send you to collections if you don't add funds. If you plan on screwing ebay out of fees though, they WILL eventually try and take the money out of the bank account you have registered with paypal so it is important that you shut that bank account down and start a new one. It's not a big deal, as most banks allow you to easily create new accounts online. I use WAMU and am opening and closing accounts every couple of months. Just don't do this TO often as it can raise suspition from the Feds that you are money laundering. Just play it safe.
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