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Old 06-26-2009
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Default A light hath shined down on me!! Please help before I goof it up!

Hi All! I got some very wonderful news today. I was telling my mom today about the whole feebay acct. went south cause of getting linked to my brothers crapbag acct. She looked at me and said "why don't you use my acct. so you can keep going and get your stealth accts. setup slowly"? I egregiously replied, thanking the big man upstairs, and her of course. I then asked her when in the heck she got a feebay and pp acct. She replied, " Oh I got my feebay acct. probably sometime in late 2000 or early 2001 and my pp acct. in 2003". My jaw started getting heavy and I asked if she had ever sold anything on feebay or did she just buy a few things? She has 6 fb's @ 100% and never sold. She gave me every bit of info I need including her ssn as she knows I won't damage her info in any way.
Here is what I need to know. Forgive me if this seems lengthy but I am still very green. Here is what the gist of it is. She has dial up and has for many years because she lives in a very rural area. I have DSL and have already changed my IP and created a separate user on my pc strictly for stealth. Her IP range and mine are in the same area so no problem there. Last night she changed her password on feebay and I have the new and old pwd. No phone number on her acct. which makes it nice cause she doesn't mind if Feebay calls her and she uses a cell and can answer if they call at anytime. No cc on her account as of yet. Her acct. is NOT linked to her pp acct. What do I need to do to properly sell on her acct.? New e-mail for sure but can I do it right before selling?
Her pp acct. is setup and nothing has been changed on it. Her bank acct. info on file is current and she is confirmed. It has a +$5.00 balance on it and has for well over 2 years at least. No cc on file but she gave me her cc info to use. No phone on it yet but not a problem. Is there anything I need for this pp acct.?
All info on both accts. is straight legit and real. Please tell me what I need to do so I can use it to sell. Can I start off with like 10 items for the first round or take it slower? Each item should sell for $10 to $30 at the most. Any advice would be great at this point so I don't jeopardize this in anyway and keep it secure.
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Old 06-26-2009
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Please feel free to PM me as well.
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Old 06-26-2009
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Dont put her real cc on the PP account. Get a prepaid gift card and add her info to the AVS. Its good to have her real information, but you dont need them making charges for fees if youre going AWOL with it or its about to get linked etc.
Keys open doors.
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Old 06-26-2009
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You are going to have problems. Here's another thread where lakeman & philly have answered. Take on board what is said. Your plan will not work well. You will be suspended from ebay & get paypal limited if you race ahead. Too much too soon too fast is no good
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Old 06-26-2009
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Hi All! Wanted to also add that what I meant about 10 items a round, I mean like 10 items in a weeks time, not 10 items a day. I wanted to try like 5 items first at bat then a day or so later list another 5 for the week. I was going to do this for a couple weeks and then try 15 items a week for a couple weeks and so on. Bad idea? What type of volume is good to start off with while I get my first couple of stealths up and running. Thanks for the link GreenBean. I thought about the gift card for pp and got one today after I got off work. One that I was pm'd about from a trusted member here. Her checking is already confirmed with pp. We aren't into going Awol, just getting back to normal business, no thanks to my brother. Since it has laid dormant for a while I am going to buy a couple toys for my kids first before I list. I was also going to take all of the selling tutorials to make it seem legit. Also ask a few questions using help first. think it will help? Believe me, I know how golden these older accounts are so I do NOT want to do anything to raise flags at this point. Any further suggestions? Great input everyone, thank you!
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Old 06-26-2009
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Another question. Can I use the Visa debit card that goes to the confirmed checking already on pp?
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Old 06-28-2009
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Was trying to get a few more opinons before selling on this account this week. Any other ideas?
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Old 06-29-2009
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Want my Honest Opinion?

I wouldn't even mess with this account until I had a little more experience creating and maintaining stealth accounts.
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Old 06-29-2009
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Over the weekend I successfully created 3 new stealth accounts. I logged all the XXXX info for each acct. and put it on my spreadsheets. I have a lap top with a wireless card so I don't have to worry about IP tracking. Every time I log on to the internet my IP changes. I also record them just to be safe using IPBurger. I have separate user accts. created on my pc so I don't have to worry about cookie tracking. I made two purchases with this account successfully this weekend as well. This particular acct. already had 7+ fb's and this will put it at 9+ fb's. I read the entire thread that GreenBean put above. In between purchases this weekend I took every tutorial on selling to make it look good. I also asked a couple stupid questions that I already knew the answers to about selling. I am very, maybe over cautious at times, about keeping up with my spreadsheets. The old acct. I had that got linked to my brother was on the PC my wife uses for school and it is a DSL line. I will not be using this pc anymore for ebay. So no worries there. At this point I don't have any choice other than to use it and my other stealth accts. to keep income rolling in. Also I won't list on this acct. until my current "buying" transactions are complete. I was thinking of listing 2 items on Thursday and then 2 or 3 items on Friday before we leave for the Holiday weekend. Just to make it look like I am an inexperienced seller. Hence, taking the tutorials on this acct. like I did this past Friday evening. Any input? Keep it coming everyone. You are all very kind to offer your expertise.
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Old 06-29-2009
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I'd leave that account stashed. If you mess anything up, due to inexperience, you lose a very nice account. Save it and practice on some sh*t accounts.

Look at it this way: If you were just learning how to drive, would it be smart to practice in a Ferari, or save the Ferari and practice in a Ford? If you wrecked the Ferari, would you kick yourself? Right. Put that one away.
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Old 06-29-2009
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Gotcha. Thank you Vic! I never looked at it that way. Excellent analogy, I'll keep this one in reserve. I got a 2 items on each of the other 3 stealth accounts today. All were verified and confirmed prior to listing also lifted the $500 limits on each as well. I'll go to town with these and wait to use the other one!
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Old 06-29-2009
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Yeah, the other one is grandfathered for merchant processing and has longevity behind it. You don't want to take any chance of losing those perks.
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Old 06-29-2009
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Originally Posted by vicvelcro View Post
Look at it this way: If you were just learning how to drive, would it be smart to practice in a Ferari, or save the Ferari and practice in a Ford? If you wrecked the Ferari, would you kick yourself?
If I ever need an Analogy to explain something, I will be looking for Vic! LOL
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Old 06-29-2009
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Out of curiosity can you elaborate a bit on what you meant above? I know what a merchant account is and what merchant processing is. What do you mean speaking in terms of PP, when you say, "grandfathered for merchant processing"? Do I take it to mean that on these old accounts that you can accept credit/debit cards directly through PP instead of having to have a true merchant account?
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Old 06-30-2009
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The opposite. You bypass PP by using a genuine merchant account. BUT BUT BUT.....regardless of the age of an account. paypal will be required in certain categories.
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Old 06-30-2009
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(GB, you made me have to fix my post...)

In re: post 14 -

Not quite.

Accounts prior to November of 2007 can use merchant services without having to get additional approval via ebay. You still have to get your merchant processing from someplace. Merchant service means you can take credit cards through a different processor instead of Paypal. For certain categories of merchandise, you may still have to accept Paypal in order to list.

That's the short explanation. It's more involved, but unless and until you reach that point, you probably don't want to clog your head up with the specifics. Just keep it in mind for later, and keep that ebay account in good standing.
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Old 06-30-2009
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Who's the 'not quite' directed at?
Anyhoos, the OP is overconfusing himself with what to do or not do. Agree with your last part of the post. Keep the info on board, deal with the specifics at another time.

Really thought I said that

pst: Ferrari < Ford
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Old 06-30-2009
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I was making my post before yours had been complete. So, at the time I began typing, I was responding to 14. By the time I hit submit, you'd snuck one in before me. So I had to go back and fix it so it wouldn't appear like I was NIXing you.

The "not quite" was in reference to #14 -
Do I take it to mean that on these old accounts that you can accept credit/debit cards directly through PP instead of having to have a true merchant account?
To which I was trying to clarify that CC would be via merchant processing INSTEAD of PP - as opposed to THROUGH PP.

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Old 06-30-2009
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All's forgiven then
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Old 06-30-2009
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Thank you for clarifying that for me. I have definately decided to keep this account in good standing. I am good so far on the 3 new stealth accts. I created. Granted, I am 100% stealth now, but at what point should I use this account? Is it okay to buy a few things here and there on it?
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Old 06-30-2009
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Congrats to you on the success 3x over.

You can buy with that account. Even sell things if you don't list risky items or get too crazy. Might even be a good idea to do a bit of both in moderation for a while. Build some trust into it, you know.

At some point in time, you will likely find a niche market that suits you well and you will have built up some skills in the ebay game and some savvy on what's what. When that time comes, you'll want to dust off this tasty little account, line up a merchant processor, and kiss PP goodbye or at least push them out of your life some fair distance. Like that clingy girl/guy from back when you were in high-school.
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