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Old 10-06-2011
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Default Just bought eBay Stealth, have some questions.

I've just read through the relevant parts of eBay Stealth, it's a really helpful guide and explains everything very clearly!

There are a few things that apply to my situation that it doesn't cover though, so if anyone could help me out with these points i'd be very grateful.

I have been selling for the past year and a half on eBay but as I was away a couple of times, my dispatch time feedback got low and I was permanently suspended. (I know I should have just freezed all the listings while I was away!).

These are the things i'm unsure about starting a new account:

-Can I keep the same shop template? I had a proffesionaly designed listing template before. I had to enter the HTML of the listing template in the eBay listing description box to use it so I'm concerned eBay could pick up on this? I could just ask the designer to change the source of it, but then it would still look the same. Will I have to change this completely?

- The guide mentioned that high end items will have to be listed slowly, but I didn't sell high end items. They are gifts/toys and I had 400 items for sale before (all £5-15 items). Is that too many to put back up for sale straight away? How long will I have to wait to list them all again safely?

-Can eBay/Amazon/Paypal link my new bank account to the old one by either the account holder’s name (my limited company’s name) or the sort code which will be the same?

- I also used my limited company's name in my Paypal account, but not the eBay account. Will Paypal pick up on this or will I have to register a different company?

Many thanks!
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Old 10-06-2011
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Hi & Welcome!
RSOT's advice is spot on.

First of all I would say what is most important is that you read the guide from back to front multiple times - you need to know the process inside out.

I recall a great piece of advise that I never lost sight of - STEALTH means STEALTH. Think witness protection program. Oh and you need buckets of patience.

Now you can go overboard & become too paranoid - like me
But I can honestly say its easy and as long as you don't make any silly mistakes/choices you can run multiple accounts to overcome new seller restrictions.

You must not reuse images or code - change everything about your ad and if listing same product on multiple accounts, make sure that is different from your 1st stealth acc ads too.
Clean your images from data.
List slowly at first - you will be restricted to start with anyway - 10-100 items p/m.
Don't list your whole inventory from the get go. You need to appear to eb as a new seller. You will also have the 21 day hold. Id consider refraining from opening a shop straight away - but thats just me, others may have found this to be ok. Just list a few - BIN's are ok. Wait a few weeks, list a few more. Wait..etc..until you have your whole inventory back up.
I would change prices & shipping costs slightly though.

Open a bank acc from online - the sort code will probably differ from your previous - but its not too harmful if it is the same.

You cannot be linked by transfers into your account (PROVIDING THE BANK IS A GOOD ONE FOR STEALTH - Which are you planning to use?)- BUT, your name can be given to pp if money comes out of your account. So, make sure you have a fee payment plan, and refund contingency set up.

Everything is covered in great detail in the guide.

Good Luck!!
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Old 10-11-2011
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Thanks very much for your replies!

I think i'll have to register a new LTD company to be safe. It's made me think of the best way to approach this though... Which would be the better option:

1. I take the role of an existing limited company that has decided to start selling it's products on eBay. This would mean I can sign up with the LTD company name straight away without using my name, and list all my products ASAP. This will also draw attention to myself quickly though.

2. Start as a sole trader new seller that eventually becomes a limited company a few months down the line.

Unfortunately this has happened at the worst possible time as Christmas sales account for half my annual turnover, so I definately want to go with option 1 if possible. I'm just not sure whether it will be too risky...

Also, if eBay catch me doing this, can they take any kind of legal action?

Thanks again!
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Old 10-11-2011
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If you have the funds & means to invest in a stealth proof acc - then do it. Many have been successful here, I cannot include myself yet, as Im small time & a newbie compared to others.
But you can look into opening a bank acc under an DBA name.

Why don't you try using the two methods - on two totally different accounts?

You should not just open one stealth acc anyway - you just never know with eb - do not put all your eggs in one basket.
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Old 10-11-2011
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What's a Stealth proof account? I haven't heard of that yet...
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Old 10-11-2011
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Originally Posted by pookomoo View Post
I've just read through the relevant parts of eBay Stealth, it's a really helpful guide and explains everything very clearly!

There are a few things that apply to my situation that it doesn't cover though, so if anyone could help me out with these points i'd be very grateful.

I have been selling for the past year and a half on eBay but as I was away a couple of times, my dispatch time feedback got low and I was permanently suspended. (I know I should have just freezed all the listings while I was away!).

These are the things i'm unsure about starting a new account:

-Can I keep the same shop template? I had a proffesionaly designed listing template before. I had to enter the HTML of the listing template in the eBay listing description box to use it so I'm concerned eBay could pick up on this? I could just ask the designer to change the source of it, but then it would still look the same. Will I have to change this completely?

- The guide mentioned that high end items will have to be listed slowly, but I didn't sell high end items. They are gifts/toys and I had 400 items for sale before (all £5-15 items). Is that too many to put back up for sale straight away? How long will I have to wait to list them all again safely?

-Can eBay/Amazon/Paypal link my new bank account to the old one by either the account holder’s name (my limited company’s name) or the sort code which will be the same?

- I also used my limited company's name in my Paypal account, but not the eBay account. Will Paypal pick up on this or will I have to register a different company?

Many thanks!
Ebay may limit you to 10 items or £350 for 30 days
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Old 10-11-2011
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Using anything that would lead eb or a buyer to your former self is not worth using.

Everything must change.

Once you list your items you will see your limits but I am very sure you wont get to list 400 items, nor do I think it is a smart idea.

If you have the fund, either purchase more accounts or build your own and sell to the limits the items you have for sale.

Again, all totally different in every way down to the wording, font etc.

Stealth means stealth and it is vital you remain hidden behind the scenes in every single account you do.
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